How to Feed Your Kitten: A Beginner’s Guide : So, you’ve become a happy kitten owner. This little creature is very gentle and needs your care. The main task of each person is to organize proper nutrition for the pet. This means that you will need to visit your veterinarian for advice. Little kittens that have just eaten their mother’s milk need special care. Here’s where you start.
Dry or Wet Kitten Food
This is a difficult choice. If you read WholeHearted cat food reviews, you will find out that it all depends on your pet. Dry food is preferable because you can store an open box for a long time. In addition, the granules can be easily poured into a measuring cup to determine the exact portion. Another plus is the ability to cleanse the kitten’s teeth from plaque naturally. But dry food is recommended for kittens from two months.
Fortunately, you have an alternative option. Wet food is convenient because your pet doesn’t have to work hard to chew. It also allows your kitten to drink less water. Wet food smells slightly different than dry food. But this does not mean that it has an unconditional advantage. The point is that you should watch your pet’s reaction. See what food your kitten likes the most.
Pay attention to your pet’s activity. If the kitten is in no hurry to eat, then this may be a sign of illness. There is also a chance your pet doesn’t like what you put in the bowl. It is best if you experiment with food types to find the best option for making your animal happy.
Calories, Proteins, Vitamins & Minerals
It is best if you buy special food for kittens and not cook something at home. From birth, these animals need an increased amount of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Dry and wet food contains everything you need to keep your kitten not hungry and receive nutrients for body growth.
As a rule, you can find out all the details on the package. Choose the type of food that suits your pet’s age. Each stage of growing up will have certain changes in the number of calories and vitamins. Sometimes veterinarians recommend giving kittens raw or boiled vegetables or special herbs. Grind and add it to dry or wet food. This is important if your pet has an eating disorder.
Portion Limit Is a Must
Most kittens do not have natural restraints and can eat several times more than the norm. That is why you have to study the instructions carefully. Between two and five months, kittens may need 2-3 bags of wet food or 70g of dry food daily. But you should consult your veterinarian for the right diet. Sometimes you can combine food types to help your pet get used to a particular diet.
If you are not home most of the day, then you can buy an automatic cat feeder. Such a device will serve food in equal portions for your kitten. This is the most convenient option for maintaining a correct and balanced diet. Plus, the airtight container will keep food from spoiling.
The Water Bowl Is Just as Important
Pure water is a necessary basis for the normalization of the digestion of every kitten. Typically, your pet will be hyperactive between 2 and 6 months. This is why you need to place a bowl of water next to the food container. Your pet will drink as much as it needs to quench the thirst. Remember to change the water several times a day. Alternatively, you can buy a mini fountain that will deliver a small stream of water. Some kittens love to quench their thirst in such a way.
Feeding Kittens With Treats
As a rule, if you choose the right type of food and daily portions, your kitten will not need additional calories. But you can buy tasty treats just in case. It’s a good way to satisfy your pet’s hunger if you forgot to buy food. Typically, treats and snacks look like fish-shaped or bone-shaped protein bars and are composed of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
As you can see, kittens need proper and balanced nutrition. It’s best if you don’t experiment and go to your veterinarian right away. Human food is too high in calories and unaccustomed to animals. Don’t feed your kitten fried meat, spicy pasta, or something else. Choose dry or wet food. Also, you shouldn’t forget about portion control. Otherwise, your kitten can quickly put on weight, and this will lead to imbalanced indigestion and increased stress on the liver.
Sometimes veterinarians advise buying cat treats that are high in vitamins and minerals. This is necessary for your pet to grow up healthy or quickly recover from some illness. And don’t forget about clean water. Your cat needs it as much as it needs food. This will normalize metabolism and make your kitten more energetic and cheerful.
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