How to Find a Balance Between Work and Sexual Life during a Pandemic : Sex is imperative in a relationship as it is a way to create a bond with your partner as you grow closer and more intimate. Maintaining healthy sexual life for some couples comes naturally while, to some, it poses a challenge. And these couples are the ones that are facing a hard time during this current pandemic.
Now imagine struggling to work tirelessly to make ends meet and still having to maintain a healthy sexual life. Is it possible, or should couples forfeit the whole ideal? In this piece, you will see that it is possible, and below is how to do just that to balance your work life and sex life.
Maintain a Healthy Communication Channel
Married or not, your sexual life is one thing that must stay active, and the first way to achieve this is to have a healthy and open communication channel with your partner. Even more now, with the pandemic when tensions and uncertainty run high, keeping your spouse on the loop about your feelings and thoughts will ensure your sex life stays alive, how to improve sexual life after marriage is achievable through excellent communication.
Do Not Make the Bedroom Your Office
You might be one of the million people who have been advised to work from home. And so for the sake of striking a balance between your work and your sexual life, do not convert your room into your new working stations. Keep this space as intimate as it should be. If you know what normal sexual life is, then you know interfering with intimate space like the bedroom could negatively affect your sex life. The shift in energy can be very detrimental.

Stay Fit and Healthy
Even as things are becoming more stringent and anxiety builds up, to stay sane, make sure that you stay fit and healthy. When you have these in check, you will still make an effort to look sexy and attractive to your partner, which is fundamental for healthy sex life.
Be Creative and Spontaneous
The next thing is to keep surprising your spouse even when locked in all day and all night. Why sexual life is important because it keeps both of you connected, which requires some effort, creativity, and spontaneity. If you are up for it, contact each other through one of the best dating sites 2020 and speak to each other as if you just met. Another way to keep it exciting is by setting up a romantic picnic on your balcony, the bedroom, or the backyard.
Food For Thought
Is sexual life good for your health? For sure, it is. Sex keeps you relaxed and happy, which is great as you will be able to work without frustrations and strain. But remember, it takes two to tango. Ensure you and your partner are on the same page to strike a working routine that includes both of you being productive and having a healthy bedroom life.
If you and your partner have better ideas on how to keep it fresh in the bedroom, your suggestion is very much welcomed. Feel free to comment on this post and give other couples extra ways to keep a healthy sex life during this pandemic.
Author :
Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.
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