How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation On Face : Skin aging is what every woman hate. With growing years, our skin degrades and loses its shine, strength and pigments. As we age, we can notice some brown pigmented dots or patch of melanin produced in a particular area on the face, which gradually with years become darker and even black in some cases. This is referred as hyperpigmentation. This can occur to any woman regardless of skin type or color, but mostly occurs in middle aged women.
Dark spots can occur due to many reasons, such as:
- Hormonal changes while adulthood
- Pregnancy
- Long exposure to direct sunlight
- Aging
- Skin allergies to chemicals
- Surgeries
- Many Skin diseases such as Melasma, Poikiloderma of Civatte, Erythromelanosis follicularis, Linea Fusca and Riehl’s Melanosis can also cause Dark spots.
These dark spots are mainly located on forehead, face or cheek bone area. You can hide these dark spots by makeup but that is not a permanent solution for this hyperpigmentation.
There are many treatments available now-a-days. These treatments vary from cosmetics to home remedies.
Treatments for Dark spots:
There are many creams available in the market which claims to reduce dark spots to minimal.
Okdermo has come out with a very successful formula for hyperpigmented skin conditions. Hydroquinone 4% USP Skin Lightening Cream contains high quality skin whitening agent which are very effective in treating melasma, skin pigmentations and dark spots. It purifies the deeper layer of the skin to reduce the age spots. It helps in limiting the production of melanin and hence reduces skin dark tone. You can buy hydroquinone 4 cream online and can effectively get rid of dark spots.
There are also many home remedies to get rid of hyperpigmentation.
You can use Baking Soda mixed with water as face mask to remove dark spots from the face. You can also use lemon Juice, Potato, turmeric, aloe vera, papaya or onion juice to get rid of dark spots.
These home remedies are very helpful, effective in removing hyperpigmentation and have no side effects.
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