How To Manage Female Genital Problems : It may be inevitable for women to experience major and minor vaginal problems at times. These female genital issues can result from infection, menstrual cycles, aging, birth control methods, pregnancy, or medicine interaction.
When the vagina has health issues, it always communicates. The first sign that the vagina shows when it’s not okay is abnormal vaginal discharge. Frequent urination with a burning sensation or urine color change is another sign that you might have genital problems.
However, these symptoms don’t just indicate a single vaginal issue. In this article, you’re going to learn more about the different female genital problems and how to manage them.
Genital Herpes
Genital herpes is a type of infection transmitted through sex. Its symptoms include painful blisters that are filled with fluid and can break and ooze fluid.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms of genital herpes, specifically blisters, start to show after four days of contracting the virus. These blisters may appear around your vagina, buttocks, or anus.
If you’re pregnant, it’s essential to inform your doctor about it to prevent transmission of the virus to the baby during birth.
Antiviral drugs are prescribed to individuals with genital herpes to heal the sores and reduce pain. You can also care for affected areas by keeping them clean and dry. For more information on genital herpes, find out here.
Yeast Infection
Yeast infections result from excessive growth of a fungus called candida. This fungus commonly lives in the mouth, gut, throat, vagina, and skin in small amounts that can’t harm the body.
However, antibiotics, pregnancy, a weak immune system, or uncontrolled diabetes can interfere with the balance of bacteria in the vagina, leading to high yeast levels. Without treatment, yeast multiplies due to the vagina’s warmth and wet environment.
A yeast infection is a common type of female genital problem. Its symptoms include itchiness around and in the vagina, redness or swelling of the vagina, and pain during sex. Yet, discomfort when urinating or an odorless thick white vaginal discharge that resembles cheese can also be some of its signs.
You can manage yeast infection by taking antifungal medication for a period of three to seven days. Antifungal drugs for yeast infections are available in the form of creams, tablets, and ointments. Doctors often prescribe a single oral dose to treat yeast infections. However, oral medication isn’t suitable during pregnancy.
Yeast Infection – Candida -
Trichomoniasis is a type of genital problem caused by a parasite. It’s sexually transmitted but is considered one of the commonly curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This infection is common in women, but men can still get it. Trichomoniasis symptoms show within five to 28 days of exposure to the parasite.
It’s characterized by itchiness or redness around the genitals, discomfort during sexual activity, burning sensation when urinating, and thin yellow, white, or green discharge with a bad smell.
Trichomoniasis is treated using antibiotics. Yet if left untreated for quite a while, you, including those exposed to it, could have increased risks of getting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
Bacterial Vaginosis or BV is the leading cause of vaginal discharge during the reproductive years. BV mainly occurs when harmful bacteria are more than the good kinds in the female genitals. This condition develops when Lactobacillus, a bacterium that dominates the vagina, is outnumbered by other bacteria.
Though the cause of BV is still being studied, some factors that could raise your risks of getting it has been identified. These include pregnancy, many sex partners, intrauterine devices (IUDs), vaginal douches, or unprotected sex.
Its symptoms include itchiness in the vaginal area, bad-smelling discharge, burning sensation when urinating, or abnormal vaginal discharge.
Though these symptoms are similar to yeast infection, BV doesn’t respond to antifungal medication, unlike with yeast infection. The best treatment for BV is antibiotics.
The vagina is self-cleaning and has a healthy balance of both yeast and bacteria. However, some factors can interfere with the balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina. If you experience genital problems frequently, consider the following tips to help you maintain the environmental balance of your vagina:
- Avoid vaginal douches
- Ensure to wipe from front to back
- Avoid tight leggings and jeans
- Wear underwear with a cotton crotch
- Avoid staying in wet clothes
- Don’t use scented products on your vagina
- Change pads, tampons, and liners frequently
No matter how minor your genital problem is, it’s always best to discuss it with your doctor. If you have abnormal vaginal discharge with a bad smell, seek medical attention immediately. Remember that there are lots of vaginal problems with similar symptoms but are treated with different medications. Thus, make sure to avoid purchasing any unprescribed vagina products or drugs. Always talk to your doctor first to have a precise diagnosis of what you have and get the best treatment.
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How To Manage Female Genital Problems
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