Incredible Practices to Enhance Your Speed and Endurance

Incredible Practices to Enhance Your Speed and Endurance : Do you want to improve your running speed and endurance? If yes, then you have come to the right place. There are certain things that can affect your speed and endurance. But you are not alone in this, we know your pain and that is why we are going to tell you the secret to achieve it.

Of course, hard work is crucial for success but some techniques can help achieve results in an efficient and fast way. Before starting off here is a tip, do speed and endurance training because it will help in maturing aerobic and anaerobic system of yours.

  • Warmup

    They are of the utmost importance and is benefits go beyond looking chic. It makes the body ready for the intensive workout. Slow running and jogging are some ways to warm up before actually starting your run. Allot first 10 minutes of your daily running routine to warm-up, and of course, you should not include it to the lap time. Other than making the body ready it also sets up the mood for running, which helps. What I usually do is get on the track and breathe the air, walk around a little enjoying the view, jog a little for about 5 minutes then stretch. This makes me comfortable with the track and tracksuit, and now I’m ready to rock!

  • Listening to the body

    If you are pushing too hard the body will let you know. On the other hand, if you are not getting tired by the end of your run this is also a sign that you are not pushing yourself enough. Runners at every age want to increase their speed, it’s common! However, it is recommended not to increase your running mileage by more than 10% in a week. Most notable signals include loss of appetite, feeling sick, and poor sleep among others.

  • Pyramid Run

    Like a pyramid, you start off a run with a lower number then after each step increases the length keeping the pace the same. You can do as many steps as you like. For instance, I run 1400m daily, so I divide my run into three steps. Remember on each step I would have to increase the length. So, 300m, 600m, 900m for each step. After completing each round don’t stop, just keep on doing slow jogging as you regain the energy start the next run. Don’t take it lightly, I bet after 1 complete set you’ll be out of breath wanting to lay down in your damp workout bottoms.

  • Fartlek Runs

    Combinations of a fast and slow run are what Fartlek run is about. Here you can how you like to do this. Mark or just decide on the way, from where you want to run as fast as you can and jog slow, is one way. Other way is to run fast and then switch to slow jog or run, for some specific time. The thing to keep in mind is the distances should be small. Among all the benefits, it does not let you get bored.

  • Speeding things up

    Working specifically on your speed once a week helps to evaluate and improve yourself. The most common work is to run on your normal pace but speeds it up (i.e. run as fast as your body allows for the last mile). Most people do the opposite and run fast in beginning, it might help you with the time but this exercise will build your endurance and speed pushing you further.

  • Adding more miles

    Gradually increasing you’re your mileage every week while working on your training plan increase your lap time and distance. Start recording your lap time from day one and by the end of a week see if there is a positive change. A recommended strategy is to start the week with a short run (1 day), normal length and paced run (4 to 5 days), and finally, run a longer distance at a faster pace than normal (1 to 2 days).





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Incredible Practices to Enhance Your Speed and Endurance

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