Money is not every thing in life but its sufficiency is something essential to live the life comfortably on date. To ensure, you need sufficient precaution while spending it to meet your requirements, and investing it wisely so that you are able to get back as and when you require. A good part of our life goes into undertaking various activities to earn something so that we are able to meet our requirements. This is true that we can not earn money all the time in the same amount as we have been doing ten years ago and the amount can go up or can reduce after a few months or years depending upon the circumstances and our age too. For that period, when our earnings may be lesser than our requirements we need to save money or invest it so that at that time, we may not have to be dependent on some other for meeting the deficit. It is therefore required that we must invest our funds wisely. There are so many schemes/funds which offer all kinds of assurances but at the time of need, we do not find those assurances being kept in the same spirit and the investor feels cheated at that time.
A few weeks ago, I was at Rudrapur which is a
It has also come up as center for medical advances and the population of nearby cities are getting greatly benefited by hospitals like Futela hospital ,providing latest facilities especially in orthopedic and surgical fields. The nearest Airport is at Pantnagar. Rudrapur is well connected to Kashipur, Kathgodam,
In the current evolution in Indian real estate market, real estate developers have of late been eyeing the prospect that Tier II and III cities and untainted cities have to offer. After suburbs and satellite townships have been adorned, Rudrapur, a developing industrial hub in Uttarakhand appears to bring along a brilliant promise of a prized investment. It is situated at the heart of the Tarai Region which boasts of people from all faiths and profession. The’Gateway’ to Kumaon hills, Rudrapur has found immortality as Jim Corbett’s setting for his book ‘Man eaters of Kumaon’. Rudrapur’s location and infrastructure advantage can well enable it to surpass other cities in terms of real estate growth.
While its geographical topography makes it the leader in agriculture production in
Demand in Rudrapur real estate has been induced by end-users also apart from the investors. This includes investors like Non Resident Indians (NRIs), corporate houses, local residents who are employed outside the state of Uttarakhand, and have a property interest in their home state. The role of NRIs in showing huge interest in the upcoming high-end real estate products has also triggered real estate investments in Rudrapur. Residential properties in Rudrapur range from luxury to low budget housing, it shows a variety of taste but single-unit houses, row houses villas, penthouses and plots form the popular taste. Its natural beauty and endowment has made the idea of carving out exciting landscaped townships every dweller go in complete raptures.
Enthusiastic real estate agents in Rudrapur and leading real estate developers like Omaxe Group, Sherya Developwell, Samiah International Builders, Weltech Builders and others are convinced about the spiraling prices the region will offer. Industrial houses like Tata, Bajaj, Honda, Escorts, Nestle, Britannia, Dabur, Parle, Jindals, Mahindra, Kores, Radiant, Interarch, U.S. Foods, Mahaveera Transport and others are promptly setting up facilities here. The investment outlay of these companies set for this work exceeds Rs. 7,000 crores.
Rudrapur invites healthy comparison with Gurgaon and is expected to consolidate its position steadily. Appreciation by 25-40 per cent during the next one-and-a-half to two years is likely due to economic factors according to analysts. Keeping in view the interest of the industrialists and tourists in such a peaceful town, it is proposed to set up an ultra modern Golf Course to be designed by world class designers at excellent location of Rudrapur with 18 hole, Par 72 Championship course on 325 acres and popular grill sports bar, Mix of Elevations and Mature Trees,110 well equipped cottages, 4500 sq.ft.Clubhouse with locker rooms, showers, Restaurant, Snack Shop, Coffee House, Beer Bar, Banquet Facilities for Weddings, Business conferences, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Charity Luncheons, Christmas/Holiday Parties, Swimming, Gym, Indoor Games, Driving Range, Putting Green, Academy, Huge parking lot, Fully Equipped Maintenance Facility, modern bath units and other facilities. The Golf Course is proposed to remain functional round the year. It will prefer membership on annual basis but tourists and guests would receive hearty welcome as well. With about 200000 high profile residents within the area of about 45 kms, it is expected to develop strong membership base – the local farmers prosperously deserve for such facility as well. The project would be commissioned through a joint stock company with an authorized capital of US$ 1 million and expected to pay back the costs within 3 years after the initial
gestation period. The company promoters would like to welcome introductory memberships and equity participation in peaceful and rewarding environment of strong economy of India, and hope that they may get handsome returns on their investments in due course of time. After making a review of the project, the financial analysts say that those who are interested to reap good and secured dividends between 10 t0 15 percent per annum should come up with their investment of minimum US$5000 per person in golf course project and allied real estate activities. Further details can be had by contacting at,
Be Happy – Invest Wisely.