LCHF diet Review

LCHF diet Review : I am sure you have all heard at one point or another of a low carb high fat diet, or as many call it, the LCHF diet. The basic concept is you limit your carb intake to at or around 20 carbs a day and intake more natural fats such as certain oils, fat from meats, and sweet, sweet butter (and who doesn’t like a diet that tells you to eat more butter?)


I decided to try it anyway

I thought this diet sounded like complete and utter nonsense. I mean, I could just picture some skinny infomercial lady with a too-big smile wearing a too-tight bikini telling me to go on this ‘miracle LCHF diet, saying how effortless it was and how she didn’t even need to work out and then proceeding to roll my eyes at her stupidity.

But I decided to try a low carb high fat diet anyway. This diet sounded like an unbelievable god sent miracle and at this point in my life I was willing to try anything that took less effort than a gym membership (because who am I kidding? I hate the gym and never go).


I was skeptical, at best…

I started out amazed at how easy it was to cut out all sugar, bread, starches, and just unhealthy items from my diet. I felt like a health freak, but at the same time I was still scarfing down all the food I wanted – not counting calories – and eating greasy, cheesy hamburgers at that (with no bun, but still).

I was skeptical, at best. But as the weeks went on, I felt my clothes become more loose. I couldn’t believe it. I was eating grease and butter and oils and I was losing weight? I weighed myself and behold, I had lost ten pounds in nearly two weeks. It was absolutely insane.


…but stayed faithful to my diet

As the weeks went on I stayed faithful to my diet, seeing the amazing results. I dropped two pant sizes in a couple months and couldn’t believe how good I looked and felt. Grant it, I did cheat on special occasions like birthdays and things, but even then I wouldn’t gain much back.

For some, it is harder to stay true to the diet, cutting out bread is a big deal for some people. But when you are not happy with what you see in the mirror day to day and hate yourself to the point where you can’t even stand to glance at a mirror when you are naked – yeah, I would say cutting out bread is not too bad to achieve some sort of happiness with the way you look and feel.


I can’t rave enough about the LCHF lifestyle

And you have probably heard this a million times before but, a low carb high fat diet actually works when you monitor your nutrient intake. I can’t rave enough about the LCHF lifestyle.

My sleep, my skin, my hair, my physique – all of it improved by this simple diet. This diet is the miracle it claims to be. And I did all of this without exercising, at all. Seriously, try it. It’s worth your money and your time and you will not even miss potatoes – or any other of the unhealthy food you usually shovel into your gut.

But, of course, with any diet, you should consult a doctor first. The LCHF diet has been known to lead to some health problems in some people, including potassium deficiency and other diseases. So be careful when starting this diet, as you should with any new health regime, and monitor your health closely.


Related Videos:

The amazing benefits of the low carb high fat diet on your health – Dr Robin Willcourt –


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Body changes after one year of high fat, low carb diet | HFLC


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Examples of Low Carb High Fat Foods – The Newer You


My Latest Dietary Experiment – High Fat, Low Carb w/ Pics


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LCHF diet Review


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LCHF diet Review