Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Back Pain : Millions of people suffer from low back pain around the globe. In the US alone, more than 88 billion dollars a year are spent on treating low back pain and neck pain – making it the third highest bill for any health condition. Women are comparatively at a higher risk due to factors such as a different pelvic structure, lifestyle, hormonal factors, and last but not the least the impact of pregnancy.
Several strategies can help reduce acute back pain but to get rid of it permanently; you need to make a few simple changes in your lifestyle.
Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Back Pain
Don’t sit for more than 30 minutes straight
If you’re wondering why your back still hurts even though you’re active, you run, and you go to the gym regularly, here’s the answer:
The new mantra going around is sitting is the new smoking. While sitting might not cause cancer or be as lethal as smoking, it is definitely damaging to your health. A study conducted by Cornell University, NY suggests that one of the prime indicators of mortality among women is the number of hours you spend sitting and not how many times you hit the gym.
Moreover, most experts agree that both sitting for extended hours as well as improper posture are the two biggest causes of low back pain. Nowadays, everyone is caught in a loop of bed, car, chair, car, bed. If you sit for 45 minutes or longer, your brain starts conceiving this as your natural position – a position that it should hold. Moreover, your muscles can also begin to shorten and eventually your posture can get a little hunched. Without disturbing your coworkers, set the alarm on your computer or your mobile for every 30 minutes to get out of your chair and walk around the room, refill your water bottle, or at least stand up and stretch your body a little.
Improve your posture
Sit with both your feet flat on the floor, knees bent at about 90 degrees, and your body weight evenly distributed on both hips. That’s the correct posture for your lower half, the posture or upper half is even more critical. The goal here is to keep the natural curve in your backbone which can be achieved only if your back is straight. Most regular office chairs or car seats ruin the natural curve, making it virtually impossible to keep your back straight. This is where a seat support for back pain can be a godsend. It will ensure you don’t hunch or lean forward and bend your back.
Strengthen your core
A stronger body with a weak core can cause many issues, including back pain. One of the most important parts of your core is the pelvic floor, which is the base of your spine. Several exercises can target your core, Pilates exercises, however, have become the most popular option these days. They are not too hard and can yield quick results. A strong core can not only help reduce the chances of injury but also ensure that your spine will stay in proper alignment when you’re sitting.
Protect your back in bed
Most people who suffer from back pain will tell you that their pain is at its peak in the morning. This is because of poor sleeping position and maybe a bad mattress. If you have low back pain, a correct sleeping position is important. The ideal sleeping position is on your back with a throw pillow right under the back of the knees. The second best position is on the side with a pillow between your legs – this will keep the back from curving. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, it puts pressure on your lumbar vertebrae and your neck in an unnatural way that could intensify the pain.
Bed risers have recently become quite popular for people who have sinus issues or suffer from acid reflux. Some health experts believe that that bed risers can be a handy aid for people with back pain as it helps them watch TV in a more comfortable, elevated position and also easily get in and out of bed.
Limit high heels
Almost every pair of orthopedic shoes is ugly; it’s neither realistic nor culturally acceptable to wear them all the time. On the other hand, high heels are lovely but are also harmful to your body. High heels change your center of gravity and make you shift forward causing immense strain on your back. Excessive use of high heels can lead to shortening of calf muscles, that misaligns your legs as well. If you have to wear high heels to work, make sure you have a pair of flats with you that you can wear when traveling to and from work and when sitting at your desk so your feet and legs can get the rest they deserve.
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Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Back Pain
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