Lifestyle & Culture

Lifestyle & Culture

Showing 15 of 1,253 Results

Mental Illness: Does the Media Portray It Correctly?

Mental Illness: Does the Media Portray It Correctly? : Through the years, the media has played a significant role in shaping our perception of various aspects of society, including mental health. Television shows, movies, news coverage, and social media platforms frequently depict individuals struggling with mental illness.

The Art of Burlesque: A Guide to Performances at Proud Cabaret

The Art of Burlesque: A Guide to Performances at Proud Cabaret : Burlesque is a form of theater that has been around for centuries. It is a type of performance that combines music, dance, comedy, and striptease. Burlesque has undergone numerous transformations over the years, but it still remains a popular form of entertainment today.

Your Rights if You’re Injured at the Gym

Your Rights if You’re Injured at the Gym : Going to the gym is a great way to stay in shape and improve your overall health, but accidents do happen. You may follow all the rules and still suffer a serious injury while working out. Gym injuries can be caused by several factors: defective equipment, a slippery floor or poor maintenance […]

5 Simple Tips for Living a More Sustainable Lifestyle

5 Simple Tips for Living a More Sustainable Lifestyle : There is no denying that human actions have serious consequences on the planet. The environment suffered as a result of human activities including economic expansion, population growth, and increased demand for natural resources. 

3 Of The Best Winding-Down Activities To Try After A Hectic Week

3 Of The Best Winding-Down Activities To Try After A Hectic Week : After a long week at work and other daily activities that have left you exhausted and feeling underappreciated, it can be easy to feel worn out and frustrated. Perhaps work wasn’t kind to your mind or body, no matter the task.

5D Picture Perfection: Why do 5D Pictures Look So Good?

5D Picture Perfection: Why do 5D Pictures Look So Good? : Have you ever seen a 5D picture and wondered why it looks so good? A 5D picture is a form of 2D printing that creates an illusion of depth or motion. This type of image has been around for decades. But these lenticular images have become more popular in recent […]

Sustainable Moving: How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint When Moving

Sustainable Moving: How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint When Moving : Many people like to think of moving as an exciting event, yet, it involves a lot of preparation and stress. The entire organisation, the packing, the planning and the moving can drain your power and entirely overshadow the thrill of purchasing and moving to a new place.

How to Create an Infographic Resume

How to Create an Infographic Resume : Are you trying to find a new job? If you’re looking for a way to make your resume stand out from all the other applicants, consider creating an infographic resume. This kind of resume draws the eye. It allows you to display your hard skills and soft skills in an engaging and easy-to-read […]

What Does A Luxury Ayahuasca Ceremony Include?

What Does A Luxury Ayahuasca Ceremony Include? : Ayahuasca is a renowned healing medicine that has been used for centuries. Many luxury holistic healing centers offer ayahuasca retreat ceremonies. Ayahuasca has emerged as a successful healing system for addiction, trauma, depression, PTSD, alcoholism, etc., so if you plan to go for a luxury ayahuasca retreat, here is everything you should know […]

Is It Hard to Quit Drinking?

Is It Hard to Quit Drinking? : Are you struggling to quit drinking? You’re not alone. Alcohol can become a deeply ingrained habit, both physically and psychologically, making it challenging to break free from its hold. But don’t give up hope – with the proper support and resources. It is possible to overcome this difficult challenge.

The Rise of Female Entrepreneurs: Uncovering the Secrets Behind Their Thriving Online Businesses

The Rise of Female Entrepreneurs: Uncovering the Secrets Behind Their Thriving Online Businesses : Over the past few years, there has been a significant rise in the number of female entrepreneurs worldwide. Women are increasingly pursuing their passions, breaking free from societal norms, and embracing the world of entrepreneurship. This shift is not only empowering women, but it is also helping […]

Eco-Friendly Wedding Ideas for Your Big Day

Eco-Friendly Wedding Ideas for Your Big Day : Weddings are joyous occasions filled with love, laughter, and countless memories. However, they can also have a significant environmental impact due to the waste generated and resources consumed. Here, we explore some creative and eco-friendly ways to green up your wedding celebrations for a sustainable and memorable event.