Personality Development

Personality Development

Showing 15 of 131 Results

Effects of bullying on your child’s mental health Status

Effects of bullying on your child’s mental health Status : Bullying is a problem that is as old as the hills – but it leaves definite lasting effects on a person’s life and self-esteem. However, the bullying that is witnessed today, as well as the reports that are increasingly appearing on the news and in public debate, show that bullying is […]

Things to Consider About Non-Surgical Hair Replacement

Things to Consider About Non-Surgical Hair Replacement: It doesn’t have to take a painful surgery to save you from your unusual pattern of hair loss. Hair restoration processes are not considered to be good enough, but when you have to face a lot of people on a daily basis, you start losing confidence in yourself and self-esteem of how you look.

Get Your Kids On Woodworking Action

Get Your Kids On Woodworking Action: Are you concerned what your kids should be learning at an early age that combines fun and art; also can enhance their skills and abilities? The best answer to this dilemma is, ‘woodworking.’ 

Why Your Man Should Grow A Beard

Why Your Man Should Grow A Beard: 10 Health Benefits Beards look amazing. Stubble beards, full beards, and of course beefy mustaches. Nothing looks better waking up to a man with bed-beard, not to mention the high amount of health benefits that come with it. Below is a compiled list of all the healthy pros of your man owning, grooming, and […]

Teaching children to Respect Grandparents

Teaching children to Respect Grandparents: The society in which both children and adults do not honor the elderly is doomed to eternal suffering. It is high time to halt this trend and do something to repair and harmonize the relationship between your children and their grandparents because this relationship is important and valuable for all members of the family.

Effective Ways to Become a Successful Leader

Effective Ways to Become a Successful Leader : Whether in your personal or professional life, it’s not easy to be a successful leader, especially if you are a woman. When you are put in charge, you want to ensure everyone looking to you to respect you and feel that you really respect them. If you are a leader and you […]

12 Minutes to a Happier You

12 Minutes to a Happier You : You probably know how to cope with the hard times and bad mood. Actually, we all know. Each day we wake up and follow our morning rituals. We feel great and ready to tackle different tasks but then suddenly something or someone spoils your mood and ruins your entire day. This happens to […]

6 ways women are better than men: Women’s Day

6 ways women are better than men: Women’s Day : Are women really better than men? Well yes, there shouldn’t be a second thought about it. However, that is not how society thinks about women when it comes to equating them on various social platforms. Although, men and women are thought to be on the same footing in the modern […]

Rules to Follow to Become a Better Conversationalist

Rules to Follow to Become a Better Conversationalist : Even if you are not much of a talker you can still become a better conversationalist. I don’t like small talks and hate it when someone talks to me about the weather, unless it’s really remarkable. Though I’m not a big fan of a long conversation, sometimes I find myself in […]

Tips for Studying When You’re a Mother

Everybody knows that being a parent is not an easy task to do. If you really want to become a successful mother you should possess lots of positive qualities. But you should always remember the most important characteristics of a caring parent: responsibility, patience and hard work. Surely, that is rather difficult. For some parents things can become even more […]

Experiments You Can Do With Your Child

Some parents find it difficult to have a good and fun time with their kids. If you are one of them I must tell you that lots of entertaining activities and experiments are available for you and your kid. Moreover, you will also enjoy these funny things, not only your child. To my mind, the best time for such experiments […]