Personality Development

Personality Development

Showing 15 of 133 Results

Tips for Studying When You’re a Mother

Everybody knows that being a parent is not an easy task to do. If you really want to become a successful mother you should possess lots of positive qualities. But you should always remember the most important characteristics of a caring parent: responsibility, patience and hard work. Surely, that is rather difficult. For some parents things can become even more […]

Experiments You Can Do With Your Child

Some parents find it difficult to have a good and fun time with their kids. If you are one of them I must tell you that lots of entertaining activities and experiments are available for you and your kid. Moreover, you will also enjoy these funny things, not only your child. To my mind, the best time for such experiments […]

Send Your Child to a Boarding School

Every mom or dad loves their kids and always wants the best for them. That’s why some important decisions of child’s life, which parents have to make for them, are not easy. Sending your child to a boarding school is one of the most difficult decisions you should make. There are many pros and cons and most parents are afraid […]

Ways to Teach Your Kids About Money

It is important for children to learn the value of working hard and spending responsibly. Learning these valuable lessons will help them prepare for a lifetime of fiscal responsibility. There are several easy ways to start your kids on the right path. These easy steps will teach your kids how to work for the money they receive, and how to […]

Table Manners to Teach Your Children

Good table manners are an important key to your children’s social success. Children aren’t born with good manners, and teaching them is your responsibility, as a parent. In fact, table manners can bring in a lot of positive changes in your children’s behavior and help in developing moral values. Read on and find out a few table manners you should […]

Moral Values You Should Teach Your Children

Teaching your child the right morals and values is one of your most important responsibilities as a parent. Since morals aren’t something you can teach your child out of a textbook, it’s a really difficult task. Only timely advice and experience can instill values in children. Check out a few values that you should teach your children when they are […]

Encouraging Children to Share

Encouraging Children to Share : Seeing your young child act like a little tyrant over one of his toys can be distressing. It’s easy to forget that young children don’t share until they are taught to do so. What’s more, toddlers haven’t yet learned to control their aggression, so they’re inclined to become physically violent when trying to keep control […]

Tips for Healthy Teens to Become Happy Adults

Tips for Healthy Teens to Become Happy Adults : Health is paramount to happiness. When you are feeling your best, you tend to accomplish more, and enjoy the rewards of your efforts. Whether it’s work or play, feeling up to the task directly effects the outcome. Cultivating a healthy lifestyle when you’re a teenager is ultimately important for life and […]

Decisions You Should Make to Improve Yourself

There are a few important decisions you should make to improve yourself. It’s never too late to set new life priorities and increase the quality of your life. Don’t fear to change something in your life. You can’t change anyone but yourself, but if you change yourself for the better you may notice that other people and circumstances will change […]