Love & Sex

Guiding you through sex education, love making techniques to unconditional love. Collection of inspirational love quotes. Relationship advice, Dating Tips and fun.

Showing 15 of 949 Results

Are You Emotionally Cheating?

Are You Emotionally Cheating? How to protect your relationship from online emotional infidelity. In our sex-obsessed culture, we tend to view intimacy as merely physical and narrow its focus to sexual activity. This, however, is not an accurate picture of the power of intimacy to create and forge personal relationships. There is more to intimacy than just physical contact.

Two Ways of Life; Two Ways of Love

Two Ways of Life; Two Ways of Love The difference between true romance & true love in yourself and your partnership Romance Life is stressful, challenges to our self-esteem around every corner, threatening to weaken our confidence that we are good people already, well on the way to the ideals we aspire to. So you deflect the threats, hold on […]

Marriage Is Good For The Heart

Marriage Is Good For The Heart Married people have a 5% lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to single people Lovelorn singles, that ache in your heart will subside once you get married. Sort of. A study of 3.5 million American adults has found that married people have lower odds of cardiovascular disease than those who are single, divorced, or […]

Ways To Peeve Your Lover

Ways To Peeve Your Lover The most popular ways to drive each other crazy in the name of love. In any intimate relationship there’s a lot at stake. One thing of course, is the relationship; another is each partner’s self-esteem. Still another, often overlooked and at odds with those first two I mentioned is each other’s BS detectors. We need […]

Why Guilt Trips Can Be Relationship Killers

Why Guilt Trips Can Be Relationship Killers Try these 5 steps for a healthier conversation. Does this sequence of events sound familiar? Your partner tells you they’re upset with you (or angry, disappointed, annoyed, irritated) for one reason or another. Their criticism, justified or not, hurts your feelings. You want them to know they really upset you, so you communicate […]

Simple Ways to Show Your Love Without Words

Simple Ways to Show Your Love Without Words It’s so easy to tell someone you love them, but can you show your love without using words? Great actions always speak louder than great words and when it comes to love, it’s important to learn how to express your love without words. Did you remember that guy who said that he […]

Fun Ways for Woman to Enjoy Being Single

Fun Ways for Woman to Enjoy Being Single Being single isn’t always easy and fun but it doesn’t have to be boring and sad. I’ve got a few amazing ideas on how to be happy while being single. There are many advantages of being single.

10 Obvious Signs a Guy Is Flirting with You

10 Obvious Signs a Guy Is Flirting with You Ever wonder if that nice guy is flirting with you? There are a few proven ways that can tell you if he is interested in you. While it’s difficult to read body language at times, it’s possible if you know where to start. Here are 10 ways that men unconsciously and […]

Why Genuine Compatibility Trumps the Pain of Divorce

Danger signs of unhealthy relationships and how to determine compatibility. Divorce has always scared me. Perhaps it started by witnessing my Mom’s grief and the deep scars that remained from her parents’ divorce. Her case is a somewhat extreme example as she was dangerously put in the middle of the conflict.

Don’t Read While You’re Having Sex

Otherwise it won’t be good sex. When you stop to think about it—as I do from time to time—there are all kinds of unspoken rules that govern the way we conduct ourselves. I don’t mean just good manners—who opens the door or who holds the chair for someone else, or how one dresses at a formal party or a job […]

How To Attract The Right People Into Your Life

As a business owner, I’m constantly looking to attract the right clients to my practice. As a friend and a lover, I’m constantly looking to attract soul mates into my life. Turns out, these two aren’t that far off. In fact, when I started making changes to my life, both categories seemed to fall into place at exactly the same […]

7 Things You Should Never Do In Bed (And 2 You Definitely Should)

7 Things You Should Never Do In Bed (And 2 You Definitely Should) It might be the cardinal rule of good sleep hygiene: The bed is for sleep and sex only. There’s still much we don’t know about the science of sleep, but experts are resoundingly supportive of these two s-words. (Some even have their own riffs on the adage, […]