Love & Sex

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Showing 15 of 943 Results

Be Happy Right Now

Today turned out to be one of those textbook beautiful days. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing softly and the temperature is just right — the perfect day. I enjoy perfect health; I do have good job and income supported by good bank balance, sufficient real estate, pension plan, medical care. I can enjoy vacation with my family […]

Promote Friendship

A friend is someone who knows all about us, and loves us just the same. Friendship is a wonderful bond, an enchanting chemistry between people, which feels like magic. On Friendship Day we should make our friends feel extra special and must reach to all our friends and loved ones. A friend is one who knows us, but loves us […]

Always Prefer Love

If we go through the depth of our acts, we would feel that those acts are promoted by some sentiments, emotions or thoughts and which are results of some vibes. The reality of our acts is in fact based on strings of vibrating particles.In other words, we and everything else in the universe consist of vibrations. These vibrations are the […]

Differentiate Between You and Others (Part 3)

We feel that there are a number of factors do not permit us to acquire the desired happiness. Hate, Anger or Irritations are amongst them. Just like fear, hate comes in many degrees. Intense hate causes individuals to kill and nations to go to war. It can manifest itself in lesser degrees, such as anger, or mild irritations. Since hate […]

Differentiate Between You and Others (Part 2)

For being happy, you need to differentiate between you and others and in this process our thoughts play a major role. Whenever you form your thoughts, they get two components: facts and emotions. Every stimulus you receive through your nervous system is nothing more than a fact. However, you attach emotions to these facts and they are recorded on your […]

Differentiate Between You and Others (Part 1)

There is a vast difference between living and happy living. God has gifted us such a beautiful life with enormous sources to enjoy it. Why should we waste it? We have discrimination how to lead our life in the way we like. Those who are not courageous enough take strange plea why they could not lead a happy life – […]

Lead Happy Married Life

We are accustomed to the well-known theory known as the “Big Bang,” an occurrence which is regarded as the origin of creation of the universe. The meaning attributed to this phenomenon is that the universe was originally a single Cosmic Atom, which split into two parts by a bang, an instantaneous separation of itself into two parts, representing what may […]

Adopt Perfect Parenting

Providing proper parenting to children has never been an easy task for the parents. What methods should be adopted in this direction have always been a matter of serious challenge for them from the day of conception of family. In the present era of high competition, this challenge has got new dimensions because with the advancement of technology and easy […]

Feel Pleasure In Living With People

As soon as mankind learnt some sociality, there started formation of groups of people living together. With the passage of time, discoveries and inventions took place. The number of people began to go up with the demands as well. Whereas the civilization advanced, greed and jealousy also took birth and today, the most difficult thing to do is to live […]

Let Her Flourish

In major terms, God appears to have classified its creatures into two sections – Males and Females (In-between, common gender can be termed as a result of some technical snags in procreating.). The male creatures had generally been granted more physical strength than their female counterparts whereas the female creatures have been bestowed upon with greater quantity of emotions, beauty […]

Redefine Your Relationships

Once, there was a question to a celebrity of today at the start of her career, “How do you define a woman?” She is said to have replied unhesitatingly, “Woman is that valuable creation by God, to whom mankind owes its origin.” There are two classes involved in the process of creation– male and female. Who came first is not […]

Give Up Your Ego

We all live in some sort of Organizations which are made up of people. Your organization can be your family, your Office, your own company, your society, and your club, your sports team where you find some people working, playing, enjoying or sporting with you. Like you, every member of your team has his/her own goals, aspirations, concerns, experiences, and […]

Share Your Life

Once the revered founder of the Sikh faith, Guru Nanak Dev Ji went to a village accompanied by his Muslim companion, Mardana. The people of the village were rude and did not offer any food or shelter to them. They spent a night there. The next morning while leaving, Guru Ji blessed them with the words: “May you stay here […]