Love & Sex

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Showing 15 of 948 Results

Live Together and Live Happily

With the advent of civilization, we, the human beings started to live in society. As our numbers grew, our needs also grew. Our growing needs made inventions and discoveries in search of the resources. The people formed groups and those groups became states with passage of time. By going through history, we find that in search of the resources, the […]

Gender Based Body Language of Flirting

Gender Based Body Language : Men are indeed much more difficult to read compared to women. It is because they are less expressive and have reserved facial expressions. Fact is you cannot know a man well enough without interaction for a period of time. But here are some tips on the interpretations on the typical acts of male body language. […]

The Body Language Can Express Your Love.

It is the body language through which a person shows the affection to another person without telling him or her and one can know that he or she is indeed attracted. One’s body language is an obvious way of telling someone how he feels and what he wants to say. Your eyes, facial expressions, and body movements can truly express […]

Man Must Empower His Better Half

A close study of the history shows that the person who commands physical power reigns over the other. It is the recognition of your physical strength over the weaker. But unfortunately, this recognition does not include the level of your ethics and morals. The rule of the might over the right as prevalent in the kingdoms of the animals has […]

Make Your Presence Felt.

It is an aspiration hidden in our hearts that we must be given due importance as and when an opportunity arises so. If a person says to you that he never wished for any significance to be given to himself at any point of time in his life, he is lying to you – it is a natural human aspiration. […]

Confess Your Guilt (Part 3)

In some earlier posts, I had compiled some lines on confession in terms of the views of the some sections of our society. This post is in the same direction. Sometime, our religions provide for the procedures and sometime, we confess at our own when we feel that it won’t be possible to carry on the guilt and we wish […]

Confess Your Guilt (Part 2)

Yesterday, I had compiled some lines on confession in terms of the views of some sections of our society. This post is in the same direction. Let’s note what some other sections view about confession. Anglicanism In the Anglican tradition, confession and absolution is usually a component part of corporate worship, particularly at services of the Holy Eucharist. The form […]

Confess Your Guilt (Part 1)

  An open and sincere acknowledgment of guilt, offence or sin or a written or oral statement acknowledging guilt, made by one who has been accused or charged with an offence is confession. A Christian “confession” carries with it the meaning of agreeing to a particular statement of faith. For example, the minister sometimes invites a congregation to read the […]

Give Up Your Negative Ego (Part 3)

An average person always thinks he is above average. The perception of ‘easy and difficult’ is the result of one’s state of being. Swatting a fly is ‘difficult’ for some, while killing thousands is ‘easy’ for others like terrorists. Dropping the ego is easy when we realise that we are less than a dot in this vast cosmos. It is […]

Give Up Your Negative Ego (Part 2)

Yesterday, I compiled some lines on the negative ego. Positive Ego can be termed as self esteem. Positive Ego may lead you to value yourself but negative ego may prove as self destructive one. Some more submissions in the same direction! We may assume that Buddha is sitting under his bodhi tree and the whole world suddenly disappears. Will it […]

Give Up Your Negative Ego.

Happy Diwali To All of You! I understand that with the advent of civilization, our forefathers might have designed the festivals to bring together all the inhabitants to introduce pleasures in all’s lives forgetting their grievances for the time being and share them in the community. As the time passed, some of us made groups based on caste, creed and […]

Control Your Hormonal Levels.

We are aware that formation of blood and maintenance of our body energy depend upon our hormones. If we are interested to keep ourselves always fit, we need to keep care by controlling our hormonal levels. One can regulate them in a desired manner by purifying the intrinsic characteristics and hidden impressions of the inner self and controlling the emotions, […]

Gain Happiness Through Breath Control

Irrespective of what makes us happy, one thing is certain that we all want to be happy. Who is there who does not want happiness in the life? No body would like to invite tragedy, sorrow, troubles or any adversity even for a single moment. Happiness has different meanings for different persons but every one needs it. The cause of […]

Forget Your Ego

On Tuesday, March 16, 2010, I had made some submissions on this issue under the title “Be Happy – Shed Your Ego”. Since ego causes most of the problems we face in dealing with others, this issue attracts our attention again and again. Since it affects us too much, why should we continue to keep it with us? We are […]

Be Friend to Everyone.

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe unto him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” – The Bible: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. We recognize 1st of August every year as Friendship Day. Friendship […]