Make Your Spring Cleaning Easier This Year

Make Your Spring Cleaning Easier This Year : The winter is subsiding in most parts of the country, and we’re all eager for the spring to come. It means longer days, fairer weather, and warmth. At the same time, it does bring one thing that most people don’t look forward to – the infamous spring cleaning.

Whether we like it or not, spring is the ideal season for cleaning your whole house. After months of being closed due to the cold, it’s finally time to open the windows wide and clean the home. In order to help you through the ordeal, we asked professional cleaners at Blue Spruce Maids of Denver to reveal some of the most important steps in spring cleaning that sometimes get left behind.

Your Fridge Will Thank You for the Attention

We all spill something in our fridge here and there. Cleaning up the spill is usually just a cursory thing, because who really has the time to properly clean the fridge every time something like this happens. But those things do accumulate, and won’t go away on their own.

Your spring cleaning is an ideal time to unpack your fridge completely and give it a detailed wash. Thanks to the materials used in their manufacturing, most fridges are really easy to clean, so you will only need some warm water and a bit of dish soap.

While you’re at it, you can inspect the contents of your fridge – any foods that have expired, or are about to go off, can be thrown out. Once you’re done with the insides of your fridge, don’t forget to move it and clean behind, under, and on top of it.

Your Ceiling Fans and Door & Window Frames

Dusting your home is one of the most tiring parts of house cleaning. Dust pretty much accumulates on every surface, so you need to get rid of it from everywhere. While your weekly or bi-weekly cleaning probably includes dusting common areas such as your furniture, shelves and appliances, there are parts of your home that are not necessarily as accessible or commonly thought about.

For instance, your door and window frames, while comparably thin, still do attract dust, but we don’t really think about them in terms of dusting. And while your windows probably remained closed for the majority of the winter, come spring, you will want to open them. The same thing applies to your ceiling fan – not really easy to access and not generally thought about when dusting – but it not only gathers dust, it can also deposit it all over the house.

Clean Out Your Storage Room

No matter if it’s the spare room, your garage, or an attic, we all have that one place where we store all of the stuff that we ‘might need one day’. However, chances are that you have a lot more junk in those rooms than you do useful things.

Be ready to do a lot of labeling and organizing. If you don’t already have storage bins, perhaps you can buy some and use them for this room. Spring cleaning is all about letting go and transformation. Transform this room into something more organized, more streamlined.

Finally, don’t be afraid to get rid of all the junk that you don’t need. And who knows, maybe you will find something important and interesting that was buried under the clutter.

Get help from a professional Cleaners

During spring cleaning season, you may find yourself with limited time to focus on tidying up your house. In this case, it will benefit you to seek professional help. You may think it will cost you a lot, but there are cleaning services like Urban Mop, Merry Maids, and Mopify that offer flexible pricing options. Moreover, they use their equipment, so you don’t need to purchase anything.

These steps in spring cleaning might be less common than vacuuming or window washing, but they are important steps in getting your home ready for the new year.




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Make Your Spring Cleaning Easier This Year