Making The Decision To Get Treatment For Your PTSD : As with a lot of illnesses, the patient must want to get better to make a significant difference in their health, and it is the same for people who have PTSD. They and the people around them may not even know that it is PTSD that they are suffering from, so friends and family need to support and encourage them to seek help.
If you or someone that you know is suffering from PTSD, below is some advice to help promote seeking medical help for mental health issues and take the first step on the road to recovery.
Know The Signs Of PTSD
There are many warning signs that someone might have PTSD, and you should always keep an eye on a person that has gone through an extremely traumatic event, no matter how far in the past. The condition can take time to manifest and show signs, and some of the warning signs to look for are as follows:
- Uncontrollable feelings – These can be a feeling of distrust. There is nowhere that feels safe for you. You can have an uncontrollable sense of guilt, feel like nobody understands, or have feelings of sadness, anger, or shame.
- Anxiety – Patients can suffer from panic attacks, become easily upset or angry, aggressive behaviour and highly irritable, a lack of sleep, and other self-destructive types of behaviour.
- Reliving The Experience – Patients can suffer from flashbacks to the event, intrusive thoughts and images, nightmares, intense distress, and feelings of nausea, sweating, pain, or uncontrollable trembling.
- Avoiding Feelings & Memories – Someone may try to keep themselves busy all the time, trying their best not to be reminded of the traumatic incident, acting detached, and being unable to express their feelings and emotions.
Seeking Help For PTSD
There are both medications and treatments available for those suffering from PTSD, and it is a condition that can be controlled and even beaten, with the correct approach and time. The medications that a doctor can prescribe may help with things like anxiety, sleep, depression, and other side effects. Still, it is vital that the patient also confronts their demons and talks about the incident while in therapy or counselling. The patient can go on a PTSD retreat which is very beneficial, as it shows them that they are not alone, and some people understand how they feel and what they are going through. Seeking medical assistance for the problem is only part of what is required, as they will also need a support network.
Supporting Someone With PTSD
If someone that you know has PTSD and you want to help them with their treatment to get better, you can become part of their support network. Sometimes it may be a case of listening to what they say with no need to judge or advise them, and a listening ear is sometimes all that is needed. It may mean helping them with shopping or collecting the kids from school. If the person who has PTSD has excellent medical and therapeutic help, as well as a reliable support network, they have a much higher chance of making a full recovery, quickly.
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Making The Decision To Get Treatment For Your PTSD
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