Melissa McCarthy Weight Loss : Melissa McCarthy has gone from fat to fit. The Oscar nominee though is not letting people know how she did it. The only thing that she has said is that she did not worry about losing weight and that could be one of the reasons for her weight loss. Also she feels that she will again gain weight and probably lose it again. She feels that weight loss should not be the only thing to live for, there are many other things that women can do rather than thinking of just how they look.
Melissa McCarthy weight loss has intrigued many and since they do not know what she has done actually to lose the weight, there has been many conjectures. A few of the speculations are:
Interval Training:
Many people are of the opinion that Melissa McCarthy must have done interval training to get fit. Interval training according to fitness experts raises the heart rate and in turn helps in burning calories faster. However some others feel that along with interval training she must have done some muscle and strength training. It is a known fact among fitness lovers that muscle building helps lose fat. Though both have merits on their own, when they are combined they give good results faster. Interval training along with strength training helps in burning fat through faster metabolism. Your body keeps burning fat right throughout the day. Another advantage is that you will be saving a lot of time when you combine strength training with interval training; you need not do them separately.
Weight Training:
If you think that cardio is enough and you do not need to do any weight training then you are wrong. Cardio is good but to get effective results you need to keep at it for months together to get the desired results. Whereas with weight training you will be doing it 3 times a week but you will be losing more calories than cardio. For a leaner meaner figure you need to do a lot of repetitions and if you want to bulk up then you can do heavy weights with fewer repetitions. Ideally you should do exercises that engage many muscle groups at the same time such as bench press, dead lifts, squats etc.
Balanced Diet:
Doing a lot of exercises and not eating right is a recipe for trouble. You will not only not lose weight you will not be providing the necessary nutrition to your body which could cause a lot of problems in your life as you age. The ideal way to lose weight along with cardio and weight training is to eat a balanced diet. It does not matter whether you are a vegan, a vegetarian or a meat eater, you can eat well balanced nourishing food at all times. All you need to do is to meet a dietician and ask them to prepare a diet chart for you based on your body profile. Along with your exercises, if you follow the diet you will surely lose weight like Melissa McCarthy.
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