Nutrients We Need for Healthy Hair

Nutrients We Need for Healthy Hair : Your hair is one of the first features people will notice about you. Sitting right there in a place where everyone can see, your hair often gets the attention of people you meet and see along the way. This is why taking care of your hair is something that you can never take for granted.

A lot of things can affect the health of your hair. Hormones, genetics, nutrient deficiencies, age, and more. Genetics and age are two of the things we, unfortunately, have no control around. As we age, the hair shafts become finer too and will start losing their color. But nutrient deficiencies and exposure to free radicals are something we can avoid, and quite frankly, these two are the most common reasons why our hair is prematurely weak and thin. Hair nutrient deficiency is also implicated in premature greying of hair. The foods you eat are among the factors you can control to achieve healthy hair. The last thing you want is to eat the wrong foods when you are already prone to thin or dry tresses.

By consuming foods containing the nutrients needed for healthy hair, you will soon be well on your way to achieving lustrous, healthy hair. Please take a look at our shortlist of nutrients that can help you gain or maintain your crowning glory.

  1. B vitamins

    B vitamins make up a large family of vitamins, most of which play a fundamental role in strengthening your hair, increasing blood circulation, and stimulating follicles to promote healthy hair growth. B vitamins also help reduces the cases of hair loss and help sustain shinier and longer hair. B vitamins that help improve healthy and active hair include:
    – Folic acid
    – Pantothenic acid
    – Niacin,
    – Vitamin B12 or cobalamin, and
    – Pyridoxine
    Biotin is another B vitamin that deserves mention, but there’s no reliable and valid proof it helps maintain healthy hair. Biotin deficiency often results in hair loss, but science says otherwise.

    Good B vitamin sources include poultry, egg products, fish like salmon, meats, leafy green vegetables, and brown rice.

  2. Protein

    The human hair is made of protein, so it makes sense that protein plays a role in the health and strength of your hair. Having a diet with low protein can result in brittle and dry hair, or worse, hair loss.

    All meat, poultry, and fish products are rich in protein. Seeds, nuts, and legumes are excellent plant-based sources. Collagen, in particular, is undergoing study because of how well it improves hair growth, hair quality, and strength.Its applications toward regrowing hair may be significant.

    Protein-rich foods also contain other nutrients helpful to proper hair health. Zinc, selenium, B vitamins are present in most meat and poultry products while omega-three fatty acids you can find in fish and healthy nuts and fats.

  3. Biotin

    Biotin is a nutrient abundantly found in peanuts, salmon, eggs, avocado, raspberries, and cauliflower. Not getting enough biotin in the diet may lead to brittle, unhealthy hair. There is no clear evidence, though, that confirms this, at least when biotin is alone. A combination of hair health nutrients, like selenium, zinc, and biotin working in synergy, may result in strong and thick hair.

  4. Zinc

    A flaky and dry scalp may indicate a zinc deficiency. Zinc plays a significant role in maintaining healthy body tissues and also plays a role in cellular repair. It also aids the body in maintaining healthy follicles and keep the oil glands around the hair follicles working. Inadequate amounts of zinc can lead to acne and hair loss. The food sources that are rich in zinc include beef, oysters, eggs, fortified cereals, and whole grains.

  5. Selenium

    Selenium is a trace mineral you can get by eating seafood, meats, grains, and mushrooms. Selenium helps maintain a robust immune system and many other benefits. It also improves hair growth by preventing or diminishing the damage caused by UV rays, pollution, and free radicals. Selenium is an antioxidant, helpful in preveneting oxidative stress.

  6. Iron

    Hair loss is sometimes a definitive sign that a person has low serum blood levels. The serum ferritin level is an indicator of many hair loss studies. Deficient iron levels in the blood, otherwise called anemia, can disrupt the supply of nutrients to hair follicles. In turn, this can disrupt the natural growth cycle of the hair and result in shedding. Since the hair root and follicle both depend on blood supply rich in iron, getting an adequate amount of this essential nutrient in your daily diet could quickly help prevent any problems with your hair.

  7. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

    You probably know that too much fat is bad for you, but there are fat substances that you should consider having plenty of from the diet. Omega 3 Fatty acids or simply fish oils are a group of fat-based substances that deliver big health benefits and can benefit hair nutrition too.

    Omega 3 fatty acids are nutrients that makeup around 3 percent of the human hair shaft as well as the part of the parts of the cells in the scalp in-charge of nutrient and blood circulation. These nutrients are crucial to a healthy scalp and hair. When you get plenty of fish in your diet, you will get plenty of omega-three fatty acids which can help you maintain a lustrous, shiny, healthy hair.

    You can apply fish oil directly to your hair. Inflammed hair follicles will benefit from fish oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, plus it can help open up the hair follicles allowing nutrients to penetrate down the roots of the hair, promoting hair growth. Because it has an oily consistency, it can also help prevent a dry, flaky scalp.

  8. Supplements For Growing Healthy Hair

    There are plenty of supplements for growing hair, but most of those are just nutrient supplements containing what we mentioned above. Hair loss supplements may contain additional herbs though like saw palmetto, herbs made into oils, creams, and gels that you can use to massage your scalp. Herbal oils contain nutrients, too, and by applying oils directly on the scalp, you can get the vitamins directly, which helps significantly for dry, flaky, brittle hair. Oils will help shine your hair too.

    One supplement we would recommend as an all in one nutritive supplement is shilajit. Shilajit is rich in minerals and vitamins, and some users have tried incorporating the mysterious black substance in their shower regimen. The process includes directly massaging a solution of shilajit directly on the scalp. But you might not want to do this, and instead, dissolve the resin and drink it. Pure and genuine shilajit resin the likes of Purblack Live Resin is quite pricey.

    Shilajit helps with energy, maintain optimum immunity, and has enough nutrients to fill any nutritional gaps you may have. Taking shilajit daily will provide your body with its much-needed nutrients and easily benefit your hair and keep your crowning glory abundantly healthy, shiny, and strong.


Eating a balanced diet rich in foods containing the nutrients for healthy, strong hair is the first step to maintaining your crown. Limiting stress and doing healthy lifestyle practices help as well for the long term. When your body gets enough, you will not need any pills for hair health. There is no such thing as the “best vitamin for hair.” If you want to make sure your hair is healthy and robust, you need to maintain a diet rich in all the nutrients so that your crowning glory will shine and grow long and strong.






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Nutrients We Need for Healthy Hair

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