Professional Skin Care: What Are My Options?

Professional Skin Care: What Are My Options? No matter what steps you take to protect your skin, you will most likely have to deal with at least a few frustrating blemishes over the years. Everything from harsh beauty products to harmful UV rays will impact the outer layers of your skin, and there may come a point when it feels as if your appearance is completely out of your control.

Luckily, some natural DIY organic body scrub and professional skin care treatments are more effective than ever, and an experienced aesthetician will be able to help you come up with a comprehensive treatment plan that minimizes or completely eradicates some of your unwanted imperfections.

Where to Start

If you have decided that you might be interested in professional assistance, then you will need to schedule a consultation with an aesthetician. A doctor like Larry Pollack MD, FACS is a great option for assistance with surgical operations, but an aesthetician might be more appropriate if you are interested in non-surgical treatments. During your consultation, you are going to learn more about all of the different skin care procedures and products that are currently available. After you have discussed your cosmetic goals with the aesthetician, they can then come up with a personalized plan that includes one or more treatments.

The personalized plan should take into account the specific nature of your skin care requirements. If you want to ensure that you opt for nothing but the best, you can always proceed with dermatologic products for your skin. These products have been created by expert medical experts and dermatologists after being extensively tested across a range of weather conditions, skin types and ages. Make sure that everything from your cleanser, to toner, as well as, anti aging products are dermatologically tested.

Chemical Peels

This is one of the most popular skin procedures around, and it will help you address a variety of different blemishes. A chemical peel removes the outer layers of your skin with kojic, salicylic, trichloroacetic, or lactic acid. It is a great option for blemishes on the face as well as imperfections throughout the arms, hands, and back. Peels are particularly effective at treating sun damage, but you might also want to consider a peel if you have been struggling with age spots or any other type of discoloration.


Even though microdermabrasion can be carried out as a standalone treatment, many patients combine it with their chemical peels as well. During a microdermabrasion treatment, your skin is going to be gently exfoliated with a fine layer of crystals. In addition to lifting away dead skin cells, this procedure also stimulates blood flow to create a vibrant and healthy appearance. Microdermabrasion treatments are typically carried out when a patient is struggling with acne, acne scars, or rough skin.

Facials and Hydra Facials

In many cases, patients only need to deep clean their skin, and that is why facials and HydraFacials have become so popular. A facial is nothing more than a deep cleaning that is going to lift unwanted debris out of your pores while you relax in a comfortable chair. You can even be massaged while the serum does all of the work, and that makes it an ideal treatment for those who want to relax and unwind. To further enhance the results of your facial, you can use the HydraFacial serum which is an intense moisturizer that nourishes the skin.

Lycopene Skin Care

Lycopene is a renowned skin care company, and their products can minimize the appearance of fine lines, old scars, and other surface imperfections. This system usually involves a combination of home care products as well as in-office treatments, and it is going to help you target the signs of aging. The botanical oils that are found in Lycopene products will keep your skin hydrated while the hyaluronic acid is going to smooth out wrinkles and tone your skin.

These few treatments are the tip of the iceberg, and an experienced aesthetician will be able to help you erase blemishes and restore your youthful beauty with a variety of products and procedures.






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Professional Skin Care: What Are My Options?

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