Soybean for your beauty care

Soybean for your beauty care : Soy or soybean is a protein-rich legume, commonly processed into tofu, milk, oil or even soy protein. A bowlful of soybean offers fibre, minerals, and vitamins. These nutrients make it highly beneficial to achieve flawless skin and hair. We give you 4 such reasons to incorporate soybean in your daily skin and haircare routine.

Soybean for your beauty care

#1 Controls signs of ageing

As we age, we lose the vital hormone – estrogen, that helps maintain skin elasticity. Soybean pumps in estrogen with the help of phytoestrogen present in it, thereby keeping wrinkles, fine lines, discolouration and dark spots at bay.

#2 Moisturises skin

Applying a paste of soybean could replace over-the-counter moisturisers and leave your skin soft and supple. Also, if you are looking to seep out that excess oil from your skin, soybean is an ideal remedy.

#3 Strengthens nails

Brittle nails often speak volumes about your health. To better their condition, the protein-rich soybean could work wonders and eliminate fungus nail infection too. For instant relief, just dip your nails in some soy sauce.

#4 Nourishes hair

A natural remedy like soybean could prove extremely therapeutic for your hair. The omega-3 fatty acids in soybean make it a key ingredient to overcome hair loss, dry and brittle hair. Soybean helps improve hair texture and adds the needed elasticity to it.

How to use soybean

Soybean pack for wrinkle-free, moisturised skin


  • Mash some soybeans and put in a few drops of water.
  • Mix and make a fine paste for application.
  • Leave it on for 20-25 minutes.
  • Do this at least 3 times a week to see the difference.

Soybean juice for healthy hair


  • Massage your scalp with some pure soybean juice.
  • Wash off with cold water.
  • Rinse with a mild shampoo, if you wish to.
  • Do this regularly for 3 months.

Soybean oil with rosemary leaves for thicker hair


  • Mix natural soybean oil with crushed rosemary leaves. Rosemary is known to increase blood circulation in the scalp and hence stimulates hair growth.
  • Massage this on your scalp thoroughly in circular motions. Apply it all through your hair as well.
  • Once done, rinse it off thoroughly with a mild shampoo.



Soybean for your beauty care