
Showing 15 of 251 Results

Unique Foot Tattoo Ideas

Unique Foot Tattoo Ideas : There is a scenario that many of you might be familiar with: it has been a long day at work and you are busy counting stations when suddenly you notice a young girl standing in the aisle. As your eyes summarize her fashion sense, you notice a tattoo on her foot. You can’t help admiring […]

Are you afraid of aging?

Are you afraid of aging? Is Hormone Replacement Therapy a good option to stop yourself from looking old? A heavily botoxed woman, sitting in the chair in front of me, has a question that is difficult to answer. She is menopausal and wants to know if undergoing a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would help her look younger. The pendulum of […]

Things That Make a Woman Threatening

Things That Make a Woman Threatening. Women are, by nature, catty creatures. If you have been walking around on this Earth for any length of time, you have probably been on both the giving and the receiving ends of more than a few scratches. Battle-scared and broken, you can probably attest to the meanness of womankind, usually for what can […]

New Anti-Aging Treatments

Want plusher lips, defined cheekbones, or a stronger jawline? One of these fresh options could be right for you. In 2015, women want to look like the best versions of themselves—not overly plumped or pinched. The good news is that among the cutting-edge tools and technologies we have to help take control of the aging process, there are now great options that […]

This summer, want to get rid of the unwanted hair naturally?

This summer, want to get rid of the unwanted hair naturally? For both men and women, hair removal can be so troublesome; but, it’s also inevitable. Especially in summers when you have already made plans to hit the beach with your girlfriends and mates, you don’t want those hair under your arms or bikini to be on display. After all, […]

Best Hair Removal Method for Your Sex Life

Best Hair Removal Method for Your Sex Life : Bikini season is still a few months away, but you have sex year-round (at least we hope so!). What’s the best way to groom your hair down there? We’ll stop beating around the bush: Here’s what you should keep in mind when it comes to pubic hair removal—straight from the specialists.

Beauty Secrets from Models

Beauty Secrets from Models : When you flip through the latest fashion and beauty magazines, you probably find yourself longing to achieve the styles of the women you see. While you may never be a supermodel, you can still look like one! All it takes is a little beauty know-how. There’s no need to spend tons of cash on beauty products. […]

Soybean for your beauty care

Soybean for your beauty care : Soy or soybean is a protein-rich legume, commonly processed into tofu, milk, oil or even soy protein. A bowlful of soybean offers fibre, minerals, and vitamins. These nutrients make it highly beneficial to achieve flawless skin and hair. We give you 4 such reasons to incorporate soybean in your daily skin and haircare routine.

Best Tricks to Tighten Sagging Skin after Weight Loss

Best Tricks to Tighten Sagging Skin after Weight Loss : When you lose a few unwanted pounds, you may not experience loose skin after weight loss. However, when your weight loss goal is to drop 20 pounds (or more), you need to remember these 20 tricks to tighten sagging skin after weight loss. Many women complain that they can’t fit […]

Foods For Your Best Skin Ever

Think of all good, nutrient-dense foods as superfoods — ingredients you want to incorporate into your diet frequently to keep your system running at its very best. These good foods are the foods you want to commit to, the ones you should cuddle up with every night and marry.

How to Grow Out Your Bangs Without Looking Awkward

Don’t let your fringe make you cringe. The main deterrent if you’re considering getting bangs is probably the painfully long growing-out phase. (I’m currently suffering from this a year and a half after going under the scissors.) However, hair does grow back—albeit very slowly sometimes.

Accessories to Wear on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a special day amongst those who are deeply, madly and truly in love. Girls are innately more romantic and their feelings can be easily instilled in guys with genuine affection and love. If you want to show that you are in love with the best man in the whole world, you can do it with the way […]