
Showing 15 of 108 Results

Worst Diet Choices of All Time

When it comes to the worst foods to eat when on a diet, we usually think only about fattening foods. But, there are some beverages and foods that we think are healthy for us when we are trying to lose those pounds, but in fact they aren’t. If you are on a diet check out a list of worst diet […]

Low Calorie Smoothies to Add to Your Diet

If you want to lose weight and you are looking for some low calorie smoothies to add to your diet, you’ve come to the right place! I like smoothies, but it can be so easy to add too many calories dense such foods as oats, nut butters, chocolate chips, sugary mixes, full fat and high sugar yogurt or poor quality […]

Ways to Achieve Your Happy Weight

If you think you just cannot find your own happy weight, I’d like to share with you a few ways to achieve it. First of all you need to understand what happy weight is. Instead of focusing on the numbers on your scale, you need to be focused more on finding your happy weight and set your behavior goals. Eat […]

Tips for Sticking to a Healthy Diet

How often do we start out Monday eating healthy, but by mid-week we find it so difficult to stick to a healthy diet that we just quit it? Why can’t we stick to a healthy diet? That’s because we set the rigid no sugar, no carbohydrate and low fat food plans. The key is to live life in moderation! Check […]

Diet-Friendly Desserts

Just because you are trying to drop pounds doesn’t mean you should give up desserts. Luckily, there are a few diet-friendly desserts that you can eat each day without wrecking your diet. When you stick to a healthy diet, it’s important to learn to keep your sweet tooth under control, otherwise it can be hard to achieve your weight loss […]

Anti-Aging Diet Tips

Do you know that eating certain foods can improve the way your skin looks? Sure, there are no foods that could magically turn back the aging clock, but some of them can really help you feel and look more youthful! Here are a few anti-aging diet tips that can help you achieve clearer, smoother and youthful looking skin!

Best Diets for Weight Loss

Going on a diet is very easy, but maintaining it is really hard. In fact, there are so many great diet plans in the world, and only few people succeed after taking them up. The thing is that you have to choose a diet that would be exactly for you. Check out some of the best diets for weight loss.

Foods that Might Help You Live Longer

Do you know that there are some foods that might help you to live longer? Nowadays researchers and scientists are testing how different diets and foods affect the lifespan. Here are a few foods that can help you live longer.

Common Diet and Weight Loss Traps to Avoid

Diet and weight loss traps are sneaky, sabotaging your efforts at eating healthy and lose weight, or be healthy and fit. If you want to get rid of them, you should know them, at first. Check out some of the most common diet and weight loss traps to avoid.

Foods for Healthier Skin

Expensive skin care products are not the only solution for your unhealthy skin. You can easily get and keep healthy skin through proper diet. Including skin-enhancing foods in your diet can lead to dramatic improvements in your skin.

Foods for Weight Loss

There are many tasty foods not only for weight loss but also for looking and feeling great! Many people think that if you want to lose weight you have to give up tasty food and walk around starving all day. However, it’s not truth! I’ve got 8 foods for weight loss that taste great and won’t build up calories. I’m […]

Common Diet and Weight Loss Traps to Avoid

Diet and weight loss traps are sneaky, sabotaging your efforts at eating healthy and lose weight, or be healthy and fit. If you want to get rid of them, you should know them, at first. Check out some of the most common diet and weight loss traps to avoid.

Best Diet for Weight Loss

Going on a diet is very easy, but maintaining it is really hard. In fact, there are so many great diet plans in the world, and only few people succeed after taking them up. The thing is that you have to choose a diet that would be exactly for you. Check out some of the best diets for weight loss.