
10 Results

Women and HIV/AIDS

Women and HIV/AIDS : Globally, AIDS-related illnesses are the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age. 2 In areas such as Western and Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Oceania, women account for a relatively low percentrage of people living with HIV. However, in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, the percentage is significantly higher.

Is swine flu curable?

Is swine flu curable? With swine flu claiming so many lives across the nation it is little tricky to give a straight answer to such a simple question. However, there is a fair amount of chance to recover from the flu if treatment and care can be provided on time and during the initial phase soon after contracting the viral […]

Can yoga prevent you from contracting the H1N1 virus?

Can yoga prevent you from contracting the H1N1 virus? With the newspapers and internet flooding with the rising cases of swine flu everyday, it is time that we take proper measures to prevent the spread of the H1N1 virus. Apart from following the general guidelines such as wearing a mask and maintaining proper hygiene, it is vital that you build […]

Swine flu symptoms and signs you MUST be aware of!

Swine flu symptoms and signs you MUST be aware of! Amidst the rising cases of swine flu all over World and the fear of spreading throughout the nation, what everyone should be aware of is the fact that panicking won’t help you. Instead of blaming your fate and the Government for not providing effective healthcare facilities, you can educate yourself about […]

Prevent swine flu with these 10 dos and don’ts

Prevent swine flu with these 10 dos and don’ts : The H1N1 virus, which is extremely contagious, enters the body through the respiratory tract. With the number of swine flu cases continuously on a rise, it is important to take measures to prevent it. While it is not possible to completely protect yourself from getting infected, you can take certain […]

How do I increase my immunity to prevent swine flu?

How do I increase my immunity to prevent swine flu? Swine Flu has managed to frighten the life out of us, many of us are searching for ways to increase our immunity to prevent this infection. Although there are many ways to prevent an infection, not all of them are foolproof and considering our lifestyle, we are bound to be […]

Are Those Razor Bumps…Or an STD?

Three questions that can save you a trip to the gyno The skin of your vagina is the most delicate of your entire anatomy. No wonder it’s such a target for issues and infections, from zit breakouts to razor rash to more serious things, such as STDs like herpes and genital warts.

Risk Factors of Heart Disease

It is common knowledge that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death around the world and the number one cause of death in the United States. Obesity, smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise are well documented as major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, there are a number of other seemingly unrelated conditions that may […]

Diabetes Symptoms: How to Recognize the Onset of Diabetes

Diabetes is the commonly used term for the medical condition called Diabetes Mellitus which is actually a group of metabolic disorders leaving the person affected with a high blood sugar level. This may be either because the body fails to produce enough quantities of insulin or because the body cells fail to respond to the insulin produced by it.