
Showing 15 of 18 Results

How much do you know your heart?

How much do you know your heart – Here is a little list of heart-related factoids that you must be aware of… Our heart is one of the most important organs in our body and most of us only have a vague knowledge about it and do not know more about it than the fact that our heart pumps blood. […]

Inorganic phosphate in Diet Elevates the Heart Risk

Inorganic phosphate in Diet Elevates the Heart Risk : Phosphate is abundantly found in all the diet we consume, but the new study shows inorganic phosphate leads to block the cells and may turn the CKD patients face the blood clots as a major cardiovascular disease. According to the study report of the University of Leicester, Higher phosphate levels can […]

Unique Ways to Spread Your Love This Valentine’s Day

Looking for some unique ideas on how to spread your love on February 14? Even though you should spread your joy and love each day, there’s something special about Valentine’s Day when we’re surrounded with flowers, hearts, chocolates and lovely notes. Here are a few unique ways you can spread your love this Valentine’s Day.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Though the roster of “superfoods” is filled with names that many people outside of nutritional circles are probably not too familiar with, most of us know and love the common blueberry. This popular, sweet little berry is packed with important nutrients, and can be a great contribution to overall good health.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Strawberries

The red, heart-shaped fruits, strawberries are not only tasty, but they’re also rich in essential nutrients that offer plenty of amazing health benefits. Even though the small woodland strawberries were renowned since Roman times, the first garden strawberries were grown in France during the late eighteenth century. Strawberries are very low in cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium, though they contain […]

Foods to Eat to Fight Stress

There are many ways to combat stress, but one of the best ways is to consume stress-fighting foods. Most of us live in a hectic, crazy, busy world where stress is almost inevitable. While a little stress can be good for you, when you are constantly feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and anxious, it can cause huge damage to your health, […]

Good Reasons to Eat Avocados

Avocados are rich in important vitamins and nutrients and they are incredibly tasty. There are many ways to eat avocados. Some people eat them just as they are, while others make a nice guacamole. If you aren’t a huge fan of the taste of avocados, you can add them to a smoothie to help make it creamy and also cover […]

Advantages of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is not only a soft, feel-good term. It can change your life in a great number of ways, and can help you be a happier and well-balanced person. Many of you can say that life is tough and there are situations where it’s impossible to think positively, but it’s actually possible and positive thinking can help you cope […]

Benefits of Vitamin E

I’m sure you have heard much about vitamin E and its healthy properties. It is really a powerful antioxidant and its positive effects on people’s health cannot be doubted. It’s a proved fact that vitamin E is widely used in medicine and is also a popular additive to various kinds of cosmetics. Take any skincare product you have on your […]

Health Benefits of Hiking

It should come as no surprise that hiking offers many health benefits (see here). It is, after all, a form of exercise. Hiking enthusiasts have long proclaimed its benefits for everything from weight loss to the prevention of osteoporosis. On top of all of this anecdotal evidence, many studies have now been done to confirm what avid hikers have long […]

Eat Apples Every Single Day

Apples are full of health benefits and additionally they have an amazingly delicious flavor. You can put this fruit to your cart year-round at any grocery store, since they are quite available. Someone prefers green apples, while others like red or yellow ones. Make your own choice and have a look at some wonderful reasons to eat apples every single […]

Health Benefits of Sushi

While eating a well-balanced diet is one of the best ways to stay healthy, it’s also useful to know some incredible health benefits of sushi. I love sushi and I have a hard time turning down it because it’s so tasty. Sure, not all types of sushi are good options for your health, but if you mix and match ingredients […]

Health Benefits of Walnuts

Different types of nuts contain different nutrients and they are all good for your health. However, walnuts have some incredible nutritional benefits which can help you maintain a healthy body. They protect us against heart disease, gallbladder stones and improve brain function. They also help in the prevention of some high-risk diseases, such as diabetes and cancer. Below is the […]

Risk Factors of Heart Disease

It is common knowledge that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death around the world and the number one cause of death in the United States. Obesity, smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise are well documented as major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, there are a number of other seemingly unrelated conditions that may […]