
Showing 15 of 171 Results

Reasons Making Mistakes is Actually Good for You

Everybody knows that making mistakes is a part of life, but not everyone knows that there are many reasons why it’s not so bad to make mistakes. I like to strive for perfection in everything I do, but I know that if I make a mistake it won’t be the end of the world. Check out a few reasons why […]

Ways to Feel Inspired

When you’ve lost your motivation, it’s important to find ways to get inspired. If you are feeling stuck on a problem or a project or you just need a little inspiration for something crafty, here are a few ways to feel inspired when you have lost motivation!

Reasons Being a Woman is Awesome

Do you love being a woman? There are so many benefits to being woman. When you are a woman all the options you have are countless. Check out a few reasons why it’s awesome being a woman.

Contagious Habits of Happy People

Many of us know people that seem happy all the time, and we often wonder what exactly make them so happy. The thing is that these types of people have some habits that keep their spirits always lifted. If you want to become one of those people who exude joy and happiness, here are some contagious habits of happy people.

Ways to Say No at Work

Due to the highly demanding corporate life many of us could hardly have any free time for ourselves. Nowadays working overtime is a common thing. If your boss or coworker is biting into your personal time by giving extra workload, and if you’re burdened with even more responsibilities than what you’re paid for, you should definitely learn how to say […]

Tips for Overcoming Loneliness and Fear of Being Alone

Many of us are afraid of being alone. Even having your family members and close friends around doesn’t help sometimes. You might feel lonely standing amid your family members, close friends or coworkers. Everyone goes through this phase. Check out a few useful tips for overcoming the loneliness and the fear of being alone. Fill your life with happiness and […]

Reasons to Get a Makeover

There are actually plenty of reasons for getting a makeover. Some of them could be simply for fun without purpose while others could really matter to us. No matter what the reason, a makeover will make you feel good, beautiful and confident. I’ve got a list of a few great reasons why you should get a makeover.

Best Tips for Successful Public Speaking

Speaking in public can be a really stressful situation. Almost everyone gets anxiety about public speaking, even the popular celebs. Being a confident and effective public speaker starts before you enter the room, so check out some tips on how to control your butterflies and give a better presentation.

Helpful Ways to Deal with Unexpected Life Changes

Life is full of surprises and we need to find ways to deal with its changes, especially with the unpleasant ones! Sometimes positive changes can also be stressful: organizing a wedding, or dealing with first-time parenthood. Check out a few helpful ways to deal with unexpected life changes.

Tips for Dealing with Negative Feedback at Work

Your boss always finds out what you’re up to. Whether you finished your task on time or you got your work done from someone else, nothing escapes the boss’ eye. Whatever the scenario, a bad boss always gives negative feedback. Check out some tips for dealing with negative feedback at work.

Reasons Why You Should Write a Diary

Most of us have seen the scene in a movie where the girl is writing in her diary about her really bad day or the guy she likes. In fact, a diary can be your best friend! I write a diary every day and it helps me a lot. Here are a few reasons to write a diary.

Reasons Not to Be So Disappointed in Yourself

If you tend to be self-critical, you need to know some reasons not to be so disappointed in yourself. It’s too common to be ashamed of your mistakes, your failures and your lack of achievements. It’s okay to have standards, but it’s not helpful to constantly put yourself down. Here are a few reasons not to be so disappointed in […]

Ways to Become a Better Runner

No matter whether you’ve been running for several months or even years now, or you’re just starting out, I’m sure you want to know some tips to become a better runner. I’m a big fan of running and I’m always looking for some good running advices! I’ve got some ways to become a better runner, so let’s start!

Ways to Revitalize Your Spirit

Are you looking for ways to revitalize your spirit? You can use a little renewal now and then to lift your mood and improve your quality of life. Here are some best ways on how to revitalize your spirit.

Helpful Hints for a Successful First Day at Work

Obviously, when you start a new job you are a little bit scared. No matter how young or old you are and how many times you do it, it’s difficult to stay calm during the first day in a big (or small) and new office. So if you are feeling scared and nervous, check out some useful tips for a […]