strength training

Showing 15 of 17 Results

Train for Fitness and Strength, Not Appearance

Train for Fitness and Strength, Not Appearance: Most gym veterans accept without question that a free weight workout produces superior results than a workout using machines. There are multiple exercises designed to isolate, build, and define nearly every skeletal muscle and muscle group in the body.

Offset Dumbbell Lunge for Bikini Body before Summer

Offset Dumbbell Lunge for Bikini Body before Summer : Offset Dumbbell Lunge: You know lunges strengthen your quads, calves, and glutes, but this version also packs an abs-sculpting punch. Here’s why: By holding the weight on one side of your body, your core has to stay engaged to keep you upright—which is great news for your bathing suit!

How to lose weight in 1 month

When a reunion, first date, wedding or some major event is looming in the distance, the first thing you would want to do is shed those extra kilos. However, your best month long strategy for weight loss should involve sustainable habits that you can maintain even one month after your weight loss deadline. Burning calories through physical activity and decreasing […]

Best Tricks to Tighten Sagging Skin after Weight Loss

Best Tricks to Tighten Sagging Skin after Weight Loss : When you lose a few unwanted pounds, you may not experience loose skin after weight loss. However, when your weight loss goal is to drop 20 pounds (or more), you need to remember these 20 tricks to tighten sagging skin after weight loss. Many women complain that they can’t fit […]

Get Rid of Body Fat Fast

Getting rid of body fat fast can be a challenging task and many people believe it’s impossible, but there are some ways to make this process easier and more effective. These ways will help you reduce your body fat, tone your trouble areas and look your best. So, if you are curious to find out the best ways to reduce […]

Get a Flat Stomach

Looking for some effective ways to get a flat tummy? While sit ups, crunches, steam engines and many other abdominal workouts are great, it’s not enough to get a flat stomach. In fact, these workouts are perfect for strengthening your stomach muscles and they don’t help you lose stomach fat. To see those trained, sculpted belly muscles, you need to […]

Shrink Your Waistline

If you are looking for quick and effective ways to shrink your waistline in a week to get ready for bikini season, you’ve come to the right place. You don’t have to try new diets, starve yourself every day, and spend hours at the gym to reduce your waistline. A few simple changes will be enough to reach your goal. […]

Reasons to Walk Outside Every Day

Most of us overlook great advantages of walking outside daily. We spend a lot of time in the office in front of our computers, forgetting that there are so many beautiful things outside. Even if you run every morning, it’s not enough to be outside in nature. Walking outside is one of the most nurturing, healthy and calming things to […]

Simple Exercises to Do While Watching TV

Have you ever thought about exercising while watching TV? There are plenty of simple workouts you can do while watching your favorite TV show or during commercials. Just clear space in front of the TV, get your workout gear on, grab a fitness ball, two dumbbells, turn on your favorite series or show and start working out, but make sure […]

Try Pilates Today

Whether in a studio with machines or at home, there are many good reasons to try Pilates right now. Pilates are a wonderful form of exercise for your body, mind and overall strength. Plus, they are so fun to do! I totally fall in love with Pilates and if you want to get fit or you are just looking for […]

Remember When You Want to Get a Flat Stomach

Every woman wants to get a flat belly so that she can feel and look great, but many aren’t sure how to achieve it. The constant infomercials, gimmicks and fads create an even bigger desire for every person to achieve the awesome abs they watch and read about. I can surely say that it’s possible to get a flat stomach, […]

Health Benefits of Parsnips

Did you know that the consumption of parsnips has some great health benefits? Parsnips contain essential nutrients and minerals that our body need, that’s why it’s recommended to eat them on a regular basis. Parsnips look like carrots, but they are rich in fiber. Here are a few amazing health benefits of eating parsnips.

Ways to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life

Are you dreaming of getting in the best shape in your life? Stop dreaming and start doing! I’m here with my tips to help you. By creating a low stress environment, eating low calorie food and exercising, you will be in the best shape in your life! Below the list of 7 sure fire ways to get in the best […]