The Amazing Benefits of Changing Sex Positions Frequently

The Amazing Benefits of Changing Sex Positions Frequently : If you’ve read the ‘Kama Sutra’ by heart, you’re likely to be aware of the numerous positions in sex. It describes hundreds of sexual postures to maximize pleasure, as well as get rid of certain physical issues. It also explains the emotional fulfillment in sex from a Vedic point of view.

The discussion over trying different postures in bed has been going on for ages. While talking about its benefits, sexual health enthusiasts feel that not only does it increase the number of orgasms but also get rid of certain issues like premature ejaculation.

Let’s shed some light on the other benefits it offers:

Appease your partner

While it’s easier for men to have an orgasm, the orgasmic capability of a woman is quite different. They have specific sensitive points around the clitoris and vagina, which need to be stimulated to bring about orgasm. Changing sexual positions can help you experiment with your partner’s orgasmic capacities and pay more attention to their carnal needs.

Many a time, the woman may not be aware of these sensitive points, which varies from one person to another. Experimenting with different sexual positions can help her, as well as you, to recognize her sensitive zones. Besides proving yourself as an attentive partner, it will also enhance the entire sexual experience.

Reduce issues of sexual compatibility

Some special postures can reduce sexual incompatibility to a good extent. You need not be a ‘Kama Sutra’ expert in learning these sexual postures. Some causal browsing over the internet can help you come across interesting resources, for example, blogs like to help you increase the pleasure factor in your carnal experience. A little practice and you will be able to overcome compatibility issues greatly.

Get rid of monotony

Tweaking the conventional positions
Tweaking the conventional positions

You may get bored by trying the same posture over and over again. Tweaking the conventional positions a bit can help you enhance the oomph factor in your sexual life. Furthermore, trying different postures may also help you gain more confidence by reducing the chances of premature ejaculation and related issues.

Experience different emotions

You can add vibrancy to your love game by trying special postures that evoke different feelings. As the sensitive zones are spread across the entire body, changing postures frequently can help you stimulate each of them, giving rise to different emotions every time you have sex. It also helps you bond better with your partner in bed.

Know your body better

The organs of our body are interconnected with each other, and stimulating one can give rise to significant effects on the other. The genitals are not an exception to this rule, and changing your sexual postures often will help you know your body, its sensitive zones, and stimulation capabilities better.


Having sex involved both science and art in different proportions. Trying different postures in bed can increase your sexual stamina and help reduce all feelings of low confidence and performance anxiety to a huge extent. So take your love game to another level by experimenting with the postures.






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The Amazing Benefits of Changing Sex Positions Frequently

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