Top Reasons Why Some Women Can’t Stay Sober : At some or more points in our lives, we all have thought of getting and staying sober or at least reducing the drinks per sitting. This is very obvious and every woman does that.
But sadly, with most women, it doesn’t work. There are several reasons why many women go back to drinking even after being sober for a significant time.
So, what are the causes behind such relapses? Why can some women successfully get ready to be sober and others can’t?
In this article, we shed light on the top reasons why some women cannot stay sober the first time around.
They Are Not Just Ready
Deciding to get and stay sober is no joke. It requires the utmost level of dedication and patience. In fact, it is a lifelong process and may take years to sustain. If your attempts to stay away from substances like alcohol or drugs have failed already, it can mean that you are not just ready yet.
The chances are, lasting recovery needs a bit more of your efforts.
This does not mean that you should give up. Work hard and prepare yourself to achieve the best results. Once you are prepared well, sobriety will not be a distant dream for you. All you have to be willing and ready for it. So, it is always wise to keep trying and trying despite the failures.
Feeling of Unworthiness
Addiction takes a major toll on your personal and social life. It can tear your life apart and break you down. Ultimately, the feeling of unworthiness grows and you may dwell in the negativity. Things like love, recovery, help, support may seem undeserving in such hard times.
You need to understand that such thoughts are only the result of your affected brain due to your substance addiction. It may take years to feel worthy and think that you also need sober life.
They are Addicted To Substance Physically
Physical addiction to drugs or alcohol can be a serious health condition. When you are physically addicted to substances, it keeps you involved in dangerous factors related to it till the time you stop using them. For this reason, it is essential for you to recognize the debilitating effects of substance addiction on your physical health.
The biggest red flag is when you can easily get through the day despite your addiction. You should work on quitting it as soon as possible. You can contact the reputable women’s rehab near you so that professionals can help you to achieve a substance-free life.
They Believe They Still Can Drink Moderately
When women are firm about the thought that they are still drinking moderately, achieving sobriety is out of the question. It is common to see people around you who use substances in moderation and think that they can return to normal life anytime they want.
Even though this trick can be fruitful for some, it can be dangerous for others. When some women attempt to regularize themselves about moderate drinking, they keep drinking regularly and eventually, keeping the sobriety at bay.
They Still Can Manage Their Pain
Many women do not realize the pain associated with substance addiction until the time they quit it completely. They keep on drinking or using other substances because they know they can manage their pain. Once they are completely broken emotionally, physically, and spiritually, only then do they understand the importance of sobriety. Even though this is very unfortunate, this is true for many women.
Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)
FOMO is one of the most common and dangerous reasons why people (both men and women) cannot quit substances. Due to the fear of missing out on something really interesting, they cannot keep themselves away from the things like night outs, parties, concerts where they are highly susceptible to substances. They are convinced that if they do not drink or use substances, they will not be part of special moments. There are thousands of stories out there that tell how people returned to using substances even after an extended period of sobriety only due to FOMO.
Sobriety Terrifies Them
You will come across many women who will say that sobriety is difficult to deal with because it scares them. The major reason behind this is the fear of commitment. They think forever is a really really long period and they won’t be able to cope up with it.
Out of this fear of commitment, they tend to put time constraints on themselves. This gives rise to the thought of “one day at a time”. Unfortunately, such ‘one days’ lasts more than they can even anticipate.
They Lack The Right Tools
Recovery is possible only when you have the right tools. For women who are active in substance addiction, their drug or alcohol is the thing that impacts their emotions the most. They use it to feel sad, happy, angry, excited, etc. Basically, it is their way to numb their unwanted emotions and carry on with life.
When you are recovering, you need newer and healthier coping mechanisms that will work the best for you. Lack of such things might make you think about the only option you once had – the substances.
Their Expectations Are Unrealistic
Many women think that sobriety will get their difficult lives in a place and solve all the problems they have. It happens when they lack hope and set some unrealistic goals to get rid of the hardships they go through. As a result, they get even more disappointed with their life when things do not go in their way. This mindset can be a great obstacle to achieve lasting sobriety.
They must understand the fact that life will still happen even after they quit their substance. They will continue to feel different emotions such as anger, pain, stress, happiness, excitement, and more. However, they do not have to use the same go-to mechanism (i.e. substances) to deal with their new life.
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Top Reasons Why Some Women Can’t Stay Sober
100 reasons to stay sober, how to stay committed to sobriety, how to get sober and stay sober, i can’t stay sober song, how to stay away from drugs, reasons to stay sober from alcohol, stay sober meaning, sobriety from drugs,