When Should You Visit the Emergency Room During Pregnancy? : Pregnancy is an exciting time for most. Nurturing and growing a human being inside your body is quite the phenomena. But this time of life can also come with a lot of stress, discomfort and fear. Most pregnant people want their babies to develop healthily and safely. They also want to keep their own health in an optimal range.
That’s why when a pregnant women isn’t feeling their best, they undoubtedly feel a sense of uneasiness. They worry if it will affect the health of the baby. They wonder if it is even a big enough deal to warrant seeking medical help. Sometimes it’s necessary and sometimes it can be handled safely at home. Here are some of the times when pregnant people should consider making a visit to the emergency room or an urgent care facility.
Severe Nausea
Morning sickness comes with the territory of being pregnant. If you’re experiencing severe nausea and you’re unable to keep food down, it’s a good idea to visit a local urgent care clinic or emergency room. You could be suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness that when left untreated could land you in the hospital. Receiving IV fluids or medication can improve the condition.
Pregnant folk need more water than others. Without enough water, the baby may suffer from neural tube defects, low amniotic fluid and be born prematurely. Symptoms of severe dehydration include very dark colored urine or no urine, low blood pressure, dry, sticky mouth, dizziness and a rapid heartbeat. Severe dehydration requires medical intervention.
Although it is normal for some to have a little spotting as implantation takes place. Strenuous activity and sexual intercourse can also lead to spotting. But if you notice more than a streak and you’re experiencing heavy bleeding, there may be a serious problem. Seek medical attention immediately.
Urinary Tract Infection
When a UTI goes untreated, it can lead to kidney damage as well as other very unpleasant symptoms. There can be serious consequences for both parent and baby.
Severe Abdominal Pain
This could be something as benign as round ligament discomfort but it could also be as severe as the placenta separating from the uterus wall or an ovary twisting around a ligament holding it in place. A medical professional needs to evaluate you to make sure that it doesn’t require immediate attention, like appendicitis.
Chest Pain or Pressure
If you have been diagnosed with preeclampsia, you definitely want to visit the ER if you’re experiencing pain or pressure in your chest. Elevated blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular problems and stroke. Baby can experience decreased blood flow, which leads to low birth weight. In severe instances, the mother can experience seizures.
There’s a lot to prepare for and worry about when you’re pregnant, whether it’s your first pregnancy or you’re a veteran parent. Knowing when you need medical treatment or when it’s something you can handle on your own at home, can definitely give you a little peace of mind. Be sure to ask your OB-Gyn any questions you have concerning medical emergencies or potential illness.
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When Should You Visit the Emergency Room During Pregnancy?
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