10 Effects of a Poor Diet on the Body

10 Effects of a Poor Diet on the Body : Losing weight isn’t easy, which is why the achievement is always rightfully applauded as something you should be very proud of. The problem comes when people tend to overlook the fact that weight-loss does not necessarily equate to good health, and when one gets so caught up in the celebration, the stopping point can become somewhat hazy.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, anything above two pounds a week lost is when the danger out-balances the victory, so watch those numbers while looking out for the following warning signs below.

1. Your Face Doesn’t Reflect Your Healthy Body

One of the first places many people lose their water weight is from their face, leaving hollowed out cheeks and saggy facial skin behind. Some additional flaking, loss of natural elasticity, dry mouth, and a slightly yellow hue are all reported side effects, working together to produce an unhealthy gaunt look as if your head has aged years in mere weeks.

2. You’re Not Hungry Anymore

Perhaps you’ve hardly eaten all day, and yet when you come home for dinner, you find you’re still not that hungry. The reason why, is that your body realized that those regular hunger pangs weren’t doing anything, and so it stopped sending them, telling the stomach to simply accept its fate that calories were a luxury of the past. It’s a bad place to be.

3. Your Period is Irregular

If your cycle has become unpredictable (or even stopped altogether), this could mean that your metabolism has slammed on its breaks in an attempt to hang onto any resource it can. This is an extremely big red flag you cannot afford to ignore.

4. You’re Shedding Hair and Your Nails Are Brittle

Your hair and nails are made out of the protein called keratin, and as a result, require protein in order to survive. Furthermore, a deficiency in various vitamins and minerals (such as iron, zinc, vitamin B, vitamin K, and omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids) can lead to piles of hair clogging the shower drain and broken nails at your desk.

5. You Are Noticeably Underweight

One surefire way to know that you’ve overstepped the line is when your friends start commenting and asking after your health, and not always in a positive way. Take note of your weight changes using a tracking scale, then calculate your BMI, always ensuring that you’re above 18.5. Any lower than that constitutes as being underweight, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

6. You’re Always Cold

Ignoring the fact that healthy body fat works like insulation to hold the heat in, another reason why you may be freezing is due to your thermogenesis process. That fancy term is used to describe when your body naturally produces heat, which requires precious calories to run properly. If you don’t have those, your metabolism slows down to compensate, and your temperature predictably drops.

7. You’re Always Tired

Probably the most obvious side effect of rapid weight loss is that of zapped energy. You no longer have enough fuel to fully function, and you become weak and tired. Even the simplest of tasks, such a climbing the stairs or cleaning the house, have turned into an exhausting struggle. You need calories.

8. A Dark Cloud Hampers Your Mood All Day Long

Most people have firsthand experience that good food is associated with a good mood. Your blood sugar, your neurotransmitters, and your happy hormones all rely on a continuous stream of nourishment to perform their job correctly. Without meals that are rich in important nutrients, you may find yourself angry, depressed, nervous, confused, and intensely irritable about everything.

9. You Experience Persistent Headaches

The effects of hypoglycemia (the plummet of your glucose levels) are not limited to only emotional reflections, and can also manifest in an array of physical concerns too. These examples include shakiness, blurred vision, and of course, intense headaches or even migraines. It’s not worth it.

10. The Details of Your Diet Are a Secret

Finally, the main purpose of dieting is to be proud of an achievement which requires so much determination and willpower. However, if you’re ashamed of your approach and avoid the subject due to fear of judgment, then you know you have gone way too far. These types of secrets are doing more than just damaging your body, but are also eroding your social life too, especially when you’ve become afraid to even eat a meal with your friends and family. If this is the case, prove your true strength by taking the most powerful step possible, and talk to someone about your concerns.



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10 Effects of a Poor Diet on the Body

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