5 Habits That Make You Unhealthy

5 Habits That Make You Unhealthy (And How to Fix Them) : If you have always wanted to live a healthy life, you have to know first the habits that are making you unhealthy and how you can fix them. Majority of you are doing some things that you’re not even aware of, yet does lots of damage to your body.

Below are the different habits that make you unhealthy and the best solution to get rid of it:


Improper Sleeping Habits

The way you are sleeping may have a lot to do with your back pain and posture. There are basically 3 common sleeping positions and these include on a side, on the belly, and on the back. The best among these is on the back because your whole body sits straight. Belly sleepers will force them to twist their neck while sleeping on the side will require more support to keep their spine straight.

No matter what your preferred sleeping position is, ensure that your spine is support and always straight. Unnatural curve may lead to back pain, particularly in the long run, so keep an eye on how your body’s supported during sleep time.


Shallow Breathing

Athletes and singers know well how shallow some people breathe as well as how damaging it is in the end. Majority of people breathe through their upper chest, which just means that they are not using their diaphragm and they just take in small amount of air. It translates into poorly oxygenated blood stream and body.

The proper way of breathing is with the use of your diaphragm, which will inflate your belly. This will let you take in bigger amount of air and inflating your lungs completely. Your body will also get more oxygen, which will promote better functions of internal organs, particularly the brain.


Faulty Posture

If you’re in your office, you’ll see most of your co-workers sitting in their chairs with their twisted spine awkwardly and their heads are tilted forward. If you’re on public transportation, you’ll see people shrinking their whole body because of cold and keeping their heads and shoulders forward so they will be able to send a text via their smartphones.

If you will keep your body in the faulty posture may alter your health dramatically. To fix this, you should train yourself to sit properly and upright. Using the best massage chairs will also benefit you.


Loud Music

Take note that listening to loud music is not a good habit. This habit may lower hearing sensitivity and could lead to hearing phantom sounds and experience ear pain. It happens because your ears aren’t made for listening to loud sounds for a long period of time. To avoid the damaging loud music, keep the volume down and wear ear plugs when you are at loud concerts.


Not Getting Massages

It is important to get a massage often. It helps your muscles relax, which will ease your aches. Stretching is also essential as this will enhance your mobility and gives muscle strength. A good way to benefit from massages and stretching is stretching after and before every workout. You may also get the zero gravity best massage chair if you don’t have time to get massages at a spa center.




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Habits That Make You Unhealthy
Habits That Make You Unhealthy
Habits That Make You Unhealthy
Habits That Make You Unhealthy
Habits That Make You Unhealthy
Habits That Make You Unhealthy
Habits That Make You Unhealthy





5 Habits That Make You Unhealthy (And How to Fix Them)

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