6 Ways To Convince A Popular Woman For Online Dating

6 Ways To Convince A Popular Woman For Online Dating : Men tend to have simple approaches to dating. Either they directly propose for a date, which looks inappropriate, or they start with compliments that may seem out of place at times. If the woman you want to date is popular, you may have to take careful steps to convince her for a date. Online dating would be an easier way to start than meeting in real-time.

Here are some effective tips to help you convince a popular lady for an online date:

Go slow

Most of the hot ladies online don’t have any dearth of admirers. They have thousands (sometimes millions) of followers on social media, all waiting for a single reply, let alone accept dating proposals. It’s okay to be ambitious, but you should be patient enough and go slow on your dating proposal to increase the chances of acceptance.

Find her elsewhere

You shouldn’t aspire to get noticed among the hundreds of comments on their walls or posts. Wishing to date a woman like the ones on Haute Gurls is okay, but expecting her to notice you from profile comments is too much of an ambition. But you can do one thing. Try to find your crush on more personal platforms, like dating apps, where you have a chance to get matched easily.

Work on your profile

Although the chances of getting noticed are few, you should at least have an attractive DP and an interesting bio on your profile. When you get matched on a dating platform, your potential partner may like to take a look at your social media profile as well. An attractive profile is a key to spark interest in the mind of a popular woman, who probably wouldn’t want to settle for anything less. Hence, stay prepared!

Work on your first text

What you say to her first is going to make a lasting impact, so think it over. The best thing about online dating is, you can edit and reedit your messages, before actually sending it. This isn’t possible for real-time dating proposals, where you get only one chance to say it right. Personalized messages work best in these cases. Tailor your messages around her likes and preferences to get a positive response.

Keep your expectations low

The more you expect, the more you’ll increase your chances of committing mistakes. So keep them low and focus on reality. You may take all necessary steps to impress the woman you like, but be prepared for the worst, i.e. complete ignorance.

Lead the conversation

She is popular, and she won’t likely send the first wave. But that shouldn’t stop you from taking the initiative. Be confident and send a casual ‘Hi’ to check if she is ready to converse. Wait for a few days, and if nothing comes from that side, follow up with a ‘You there?’, or ‘Hey, we matched!’ to see the response. Don’t spam, and don’t keep pinging repeatedly. She can always block you.

But if you’re patient enough to handle things differently, you may end up chatting with your potential date before you actually ask her on one.

Online dating has made things easier for many people, as there are so many ways to approach the woman of your dreams. But you be a gentleman and respect her privacy and choice at the same time. The more respect you give, the more you will earn, and this is the thumb rule to convince someone to date you.







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6 Ways To Convince A Popular Woman For Online Dating

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