All About Acne Scar Removal in Singapore

All About Acne Scar Removal in Singapore : Having acne is already a bad time to go through, but if besides, you have to keep the scars, it becomes a real problem for many of us.

Peeling, surgery, creams and laser… How to remove acne scars? Whether it breaks out in adolescence or adulthood, acne can leave permanent skin scars on the face for about 70% of those affected. These scars worsen if you mistreat your pimples by piercing or fiddling with them.

The more severe is the acne and the later the initiation of treatment, the higher is the risk of scarring. And when the foundation fails to hide the contours and imperfections, there are aesthetic treatments that guarantee you a more homogeneous and smoother skin.

When to start cosmetic acne treatment?

Whatever the treatment, it is preferable to wait a few months after the end of any active lesion before considering cosmetic intervention. Indeed, the skin has impressive regenerative power, and some lesions can disappear on their own over the months.

This deadline must be respected, especially with isotretinoin because, if the scars are treated too soon after stopping treatment, there is a risk of worsening them or even inducing a new acne flare-up.

Laser treatment for acne scar removal in Singapore

The laser has been used for years in aesthetic medicine. More recently, different types of laser have been perfected by clinics and specialist practitioners of acne scars removal in Singapore like those working at Cambridge Therapeutics.

It has improved the results in the face of scars and traces left by acne, to the point that today, these treatments are often offered as a first-line treatment, in particular, fractional resurfacing lasers.

Why do you have acne scars?

Why do you have acne scars?
Why do you have acne scars?

The scars of acne are the most common complication after infection. Their occurrence is favoured by late or inappropriate treatment as well as by the manipulation of lesions by patients.

We cannot overstate the importance of preventing the appearance of these scars because once installed; they are challenging and expensive to handle, with an inconstant and incomplete result. The progress of the laser still founds real progress.

The different types of acne scars

Before treating the acne scars for removal in Singapore, your doctor will define which kind of scars you have and which treatments are required. These acne scars are of three types:

  • The atrophic scars with loss of substance, they represent the acne complication most common;
  • The hypertrophic and keloid scars which are raised scars;
  • The erythematous and pigmented macules (red or brown spots), which are not strictly speaking scars because they are not definitive and eventually disappear, often spontaneously, after the extinction of acne.

Before considering any initiation of acne scar removal in Singapore, it is necessary on the one hand that the acne in itself is wholly extinguished. That is to say that one must not have any more lesions acne; and secondly that isotretinoin or Vitamin A treatments acid have been completed and stopped for at least six months or even a year.

Currently, there are various means of correction, and one generally uses a combination of treatments. These means vary depending on the type of scars to be treated.

Acne scars removal: laser treatments in Singapore

Acne removal in Singapore for other types of scars
Acne removal in Singapore for other types of scars

The laser, treatment of acne, is a radical technique which very often makes it possible to settle the problem at the base: at the level of the sebum.

Erythematous and pigmented macules (acne spots), when they persist, are treated either with peels or with lasers.

Laser acne removal for red and brown scars

The predominantly red scars may be attenuated by vascular lasers, lasers whose wavelength is preferentially absorbed by the haemoglobin pigment and which therefore act more or less selectively on the dermal blood vessels.

Brownish pigmented scars, for their part, may benefit from treatments with pigmented lasers, or tattoo removals lasers, such as Q-switched lasers and Alexandrite lasers. The wavelengths of which are absorbed preferentially by the melanin pigment, which will seek to fragment it to allow it to be eliminated by the body’s cleaning cells.

Acne removal in Singapore for other types of scars

The treatments are microsurgery with or without skin micrograft, as well as resurfacing techniques, namely dermabrasions, chemical peels, radiofrequency resurfacing and abrasive lasers such as CO2 lasers.

The erbium-YAG lasers which act by the mechanical and thermal effect on the epidermis and the superficial dermis result in obtaining a “regenerated” dermis and make it possible to find better skin tension and a smoothing effect.

Recommendation for any acne scar treatment: You should know that it is generally preferable to carry out this type of treatment with additional proper sun protection. Anti UVA and UVB sunscreen with high protection index 50+ will help you to avoid and minimize the risk of pigmentary scars (brownish spots) that can be generated by this type of treatment.

For hypertrophic and keloid scars, many methods can be used, namely cryotherapy (cold treatment, generally liquid nitrogen), corticosteroid injections, silicone dressings, pressure-therapy (promoting blood circulation by pressure around the affected area), intracheloidal excision (surgical procedure to remove the scar) whether or not followed by radiotherapy or even bleomycin injections.

Treatment of spots without skin relief

In some cases, acne leaves not hollow or raised scars but only minimal areas of depigmentation or on the contrary. This hyperpigmentation which can be just as disturbing for the patient.

In these cases, a pigmented laser treatment is possible, coupled or not with a diode laser (LED) treatment. Be aware that the laser impacts can be very unpleasant, but they are not painful, which is why the session takes place without anaesthesia.

After the treatment, you must carefully respect the dermatologist’s instructions and avoid exposure to the sun before the lesions heal entirely, which is why it is preferable to carry out these treatments during the winter.






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All About Acne Scar Removal in Singapore

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