Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

Showing 15 of 213 Results

Benefits of Spore-Based Probiotics

Benefits of Spore-Based Probiotics : Maintaining optimal gut health is essential to mental and physical health. In addition, a healthy population of gut bacteria is key to proper digestion, adequate absorption of nutrients, and good immune function.

Are You Getting Enough Nutrition from the Food You Eat?

Are You Getting Enough Nutrition from the Food You Eat? While taking vitamins and other supplements can be a hassle and even an uncomfortable experience in the morning, the fact of the matter is that by just relying on the food we eat, we’re missing out on tons of nutrients that are important for our daily health. Caroline Alan of Beam […]

Do I Need to Cut Out Gluten? Determining Your Digestive Issues

Do I Need to Cut Out Gluten? Gluten has been the source of much debate in the health world in recent years. Products pop up left, right and center that boast about their lack of gluten, and folks are beginning to equate that with being healthier. The truth is, for many people, gluten is not the enemy. But for those of […]

Top 5 Foods That Will Help You Concentrate

Top 5 Foods That Will Help You Concentrate : How many times have you had to work or study even if you are extremely exhausted? This could be tricky especially when your brain uses about 20 percent of your energy. It indeed is a huge energy budget, but your goal is to find a way to boost your energy levels and […]

6 Amazing Foods to Eat on an Empty Stomach

6 Amazing Foods to Eat on an Empty Stomach : We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but do we actually give it the importance it deserves? In the morning, most of us are in a rush to leave the house and go about our business without realizing how much we are missing out […]

5 Immune-Boosting Foods for People with Diabetes

5 Immune-Boosting Foods for People with Diabetes : If you have a condition like type-2 diabetes, then you know how important it is to focus on immune system strength, especially during cold and flu season – and doubly so due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that people with underlying conditions, including diabetes, might […]

The Fad that Fits: Find the Right Nutrition Plan for Your Body

The Fad that Fits: Find the Right Nutrition Plan for Your Body : Diet culture. This cringe-worthy term invades our social feeds, usually as a negative for its reputation of assigning value to body size. Assuming “skinnier” is “healthier” undermines the beautiful whole of our amazing human figures—not to mention the many important jobs our bodies carry out each day to […]

The Benefits Of Red Wine For Your Health

The Benefits Of Red Wine For Your Health : The history of red wine is as old as time. We can trace the lineage of this well-loved drink to 6000 BCE in Georgia and Iran. Hippocrates – the Father of Western Medicine – prescribed red Wine as part of a healthy diet.

5 Healthy Eating Habits For Fitness Enthusiasts

Healthy Eating Habits For Fitness Enthusiasts : With obesity as one of the highest rising chronic illnesses in America, it’s high time we started taking our health seriously. Fitness enthusiasts worldwide set good examples of what we can achieve when we put our mind to it. Indeed extreme fitness models can sometimes promote unrealistic body goals, but it’s all about finding […]

5 Tips for Starting a Pescatarian Diet

5 Tips for Starting a Pescatarian Diet : What is a pescatarian? If you embrace such a lifestyle, you enjoy dining on gifts from the sea like lobster and mackerel, along with land-based delights such as fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. You avoid chicken, beef and pork.

Ways To Quell Your Sugar Cravings

Ways To Quell Your Sugar Cravings : Admit or not, We have a weak spot for some sweet indulgence. Whether it’s chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake, or donuts, life would be pretty boring without sweet treats from time to time. Unconsciously, your brain craves a sweet treat to relieve stress and ward off sleep deprivation with an instant burst of energy […]

Anti-Aging Foods to Eat

Anti-Aging Foods to Eat : The greatest desire of every woman is to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. We usually try various methods in order to prevent the aging process in our body. Though, our efforts are not always successful. It is necessary to remember that certain things can help you to add years to your life.

Eating a Healthy Breakfast: What You Need to Know

Eating a Healthy Breakfast: What You Need to Know : We’ve all heard the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And whoever said that isn’t wrong! What you eat first in the day can determine your mood, energy levels and hunger levels throughout the day. If you’re someone who’s never been a breakfast person or are […]