Ease the Symptoms of Menopause One At a Time

Ease the Symptoms of Menopause One At a Time : While some experts say menopause is a natural process, the truth is that it can be very uncomfortable. The following are some common symptoms of menopause, with suggestions for how to alleviate them. Most women feel some combination of them at different points throughout their journey. You may only have one or two, or you may notice them all. Each journey through menopause is unique.

Hot flashes

One of the more common symptoms of menopause is the hot flash. This is when the body starts to overheat because of hormonal changes. To alleviate this feeling, you need to cool off quickly. Drink cold liquids throughout the day. An old home remedy suggests staying hydrated eases this symptom by drinking cold beverages, especially water. If you’re not into water, try flavored seltzer or tea. Keep cool at night by sleeping on cotton sheets and using an air conditioner or fan in your bedroom. You can also take a shower at night instead of a bath so your body isn’t exposed to extreme heat for too long. Using soap with aloe vera on the skin is also soothing and can help you feel better.

Night Sweats

For those ladies experiencing hot flashes that become night sweats, there are plenty of options that will help you feel like yourself again. This comes as a relief for many women, as they express difficulty regulating their own body temperature. You can try taking a bath in the evening using tepid water so that it cools your core temperature down. There is also the option to avoid caffeinated beverages in the afternoon to help your body calm naturally.

If your sleeping habits still suffer due to the heat at night, consider investing in a cooling pillow or mattress pad to keep your head and spine cool and dry throughout the night. You can also slip into cotton pajamas with breathable fabric that wicks away sweat from your skin, furthering your cooling efforts through evaporation. In fact, sleep is one of the most important factors to consider if you are experiencing hot flashes that become night sweats, so take the time to invest in a comfy bed for optimal nights of sleep.

Mood Swings

There are quite a few options that women have when it comes to mood swings. One of them is acupuncture. While we can’t promise that acupuncture will cure them, some doctors believe it helps by regulating the body’s hormones. There is no question that it has been used for this purpose since ancient times in China and other countries all over the world. Yoga may also help regulate your mind and body (which, we suspect you already know if you’re practicing it daily!) and there are plenty of other things you can do to relieve stress and improve your mental health as well. You might want to take up knitting or sewing as a nice hobby since that also helps your hands remain nimble as the years go by. And last but not least: getting enough sleep every night will help you wake refreshed and put together, which is especially important when you already feel overwhelmed at what is going on with your body.

Memory Loss

Forgetting something now and again happens at all ages, especially if we get dehydrated. However, some women note larger memory issues during menopause. They have full lapses in memory and cannot recall some simple bits of information. These memory lapses aren’t normal, so make sure you visit your doctor if this becomes a chronic problem. It’s possible they may prescribe hormone replacement therapy. However, there are several natural ways to improve memory, including aromatherapy, caffeine (in moderation), and omega 3 fatty acids (found in fish like salmon and tuna).

Bladder Problems

Drink six to eight glasses of water each day, ideally tap water. If your tap water is not good, consider something like a Kenmore water softener to make it so you can more readily drink your tap water since those nutrients can help you feel better.  Not only will this help you stay hydrated, but it also keeps your kidneys flushed out. Frequent urination is normal at times, but if the urge comes more than every 20 minutes, try cutting back on fluid intake after lunchtime because that’s usually when you feel most parched. You can also take an over-the-counter or prescription drug to manage urinary incontinence.

Dry Skin

Use beeswax lip balm, which contains both vitamin E and SPF protection. This may be especially helpful for hot flashes sufferers who spend the majority of their day indoors. Moisturize regularly to alleviate dry and itchy skin, but be careful to only use lotions that absorb quickly. If you use heavy creams, it can lead to you feeling warmer and triggering more hot flashes.

When you begin to notice changes associated with menopause, it is best to start with diet changes first. Adding more nutrient-rich foods can help balance hormones naturally, without side effects; additionally exercising regularly also helps regulate estrogen levels. If you are experiencing hot flashes or night sweats, then taking a cold shower or splashing cold water on your face can help cool you down quickly.






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Ease the Symptoms of Menopause One At a Time

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