First Date Tips: How Men and Women Think Differently

First Date Tips: How Men and Women Think Differently : Women and men vary in terms of expectations on a first date. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the moment while being true to yourself. Just because you think differently doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.

After you get on the best online dating sites and land a meet-up, here are a few tips to make the experience memorable.

4 Tips for That First Date

  1. Men want to lead

    Look, your first date is all about tension once you meet. To make the experience a little easy, allow the man to lead, which is the best first date advice.

    Many men are naturally assertive, making the whole thing go smoother when you allow them to be so. He can start by pulling your chair, calling over the waiter, and asking to hear the specials.

    It doesn’t mean he orders you but let him lead as this helps you see the sort of man he is.

  2. Don’t push for a second date

    It’s natural that a woman may want a second meeting booked on the spot if you enjoyed the first one. But, even if this is your desire, avoid pushing for it. One way to gauge how a guy feels is by letting him suggest the meet-up. If he does, he likes you; if he doesn’t, you can move on.

    Your first date is a chance to see if you have any spark that can warrant another one.

  3. Suggest a meeting point

    As much as men love to lead, you should suggest a meeting point you feel comfortable at. Perhaps, you can explore different first-date COVID ideas to choose a safe location.

    Many guys ask for suggestions, and you can pick out the most familiar places to you. Since you might be meeting up with a total stranger, it’s wise to be around familiar settings, which also help you feel more relaxed on the date.

  4. Avoid over-eagerness

    Over-eagerness is among the first date dos and don’ts. An overeager woman puts men off despite liking confident ones. You need to differentiate between the two if you want another meet-up.

    Once you start talking, avoid discussing plans like marriage and children. If you text, don’t send him too many messages. Being too pushy may quickly put men off, so the best plan is to play it cool.


First dates are a chance to check each other out and see if there’s any chemistry there. Look through different first-date gift ideas but avoid suggestive items. By following these tips, you end up enjoying the experience even more.

Leave a comment below if you have any questions or additional information to share with us.




Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.








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First Date Tips: How Men and Women Think Differently

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