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Showing 15 of 784 Results

Deal with stress successfully

People are capable of being stressed for just about anything. What can we do about it? We don’t need to do anything about stress; stress is like friction in a machine. There is friction in the machine because there is no proper movement of the parts, or there is not enough lubrication. The less friction you have, the more efficient […]

Become Stress-free

Now-a-days, stress management has become a hot topic for discussions amongst friends, with doctors, in our social meetings and informal chats. We try to mange our families, our money, our property, our businesses – we manage whatever is valuable to us. But we are not able to manage our mental stress. Why would anybody manage stress? We understand that people […]

Improve Your Memory

THESE days, people are losing their memory power faster, especially students. Memory techniques are related to similar ways of understanding a difficult subject or a concept. With fierce competition amongst students to score higher and excel, schools have recognized the need for an in-built memory-training program, as a part of the regular curriculum. Memory training programs not only help the […]

Achieve Perfection With Yoga

Yoga of self-perfection synthesises the collective potential of traditional disciplines like Bhakti, Gyan and Karma yogas, to reorient human nature into bringing the highest octave of consciousness. Each of the other yogic systems develops a particular faculty. In Bhakti yoga, for instance, one approaches God with unconditional love, devotion and veneration. It is a real, genuine search after the Lord, […]

Just believe upon Yourself

Think on some thing and create some thoughts about that particular thing, issue or matter – and make it into your life!Those who tried, have not just pulled themselves out of depths of despair and been cured of diseases, but surprisingly, even influenced their financial status by just believing in themselves and a happy outcome! When you focus on something, […]

Transform Your Emotions

Positive emotions elevate your chemistry. This allows your natural talents and abilities to increase. The more skilled you become at transforming your negative emotions into positive ones in regard to the same fact, the happier you will become. This you know that everything you experience in your life is merely a fact. It is the negative emotions you attach to […]

Change Your memory sheet

Our brain starts working at a very early age. Approximately six months after conception, our brain starts recording all of our mother’s thoughts and actions while we are in her womb. Our brain continues recording all our thoughts and actions throughout our entire life. It is still active even when we are going through this post, your brain is busy […]

Improve Your Brain’s Chemistry

In case we put out emotional heart out of our body, we would be called a machine developed by God. In our materialistic world, whenever we purchase a machine, the manufacturer provides us a booklet named as Owner’s Manual which contains the system, nature and how to tackle the troubles if we come across while using the machine. But sorry! […]

Overcome Your Misery

Every of us wishes to be happy. Whether it is money, power or sex, we get into it for the sake of happiness. In course of time some people even start to enjoy misery because they believe that the misery is written in their fate and this way, it gives them happiness! Though to be happy we seek something, we […]

Yoga Can Help You a Lot

The regular practice of select Yoga can help considerably you to check the sexual impulse. Sirshasana and Sarvangasana will help you a lot in making you an Oordhvaretas. They are also termed as Vipareeta Karani Mudras. By Pranayama, the mind gradually proceeds from the gross to the subtle. It therefore exercises a wholesome check upon sexual irritation. When some evil […]

Try Some Powerful Aids for Celibacy

You cannot have perfect celibacy unless you follow the auxiliaries. You have to take particular care about your diet and the company that you keep. Anything that brings impure thoughts in the mind is bad company. You need to fly away from the company of worldly-minded persons. Get away from the bustle of cities and tumultuousness of the world as […]

Good Diet is important in celibacy

Diet plays a prominent part in keeping up celibacy. Purity of food brings in purity of mind. That power which connects the body and the mind is present in the food that we take. Various kinds of food have varying effects on the mind. There are certain kinds of food that make the mind and the body very strong and […]

Celibacy relates to your mind

It is quite possible for a man to practice celibacy while remaining in the world, though there are various sorts of temptations and distractions. Many have achieved this in times of yore. There are many even at the present moment also. A well disciplined life, a moderate diet, study of religious scriptures, daily introspection and enquiry, self-analysis and self-correction and […]

Afford Judicious Celibacy

In the Practice of Celibacy, what is wanted is elimination of lust, but not suppression. Suppression of the sex urge is not eradication. You can never be free of that which is suppressed. The suppressed sex desire will attack you again and again and will produce wet dreams, irritability and restlessness of mind. Repression or suppression of the sexual desire […]

Householders can adopt Celibacy

It is beyond all doubt that a life of Celibacy is glorious and marvelous. At the same time, a life of moderation in the household life is equally good and helpful for spiritual growth. Both have their own advantages. You must have great strength to tread the path either way. A long time ago, the human society was divided into […]