Healthy Habits to Instill in Your Kids at a Young Age

Healthy Habits to Instill in Your Kids at a Young Age : It would be nice if parenting came with instructions, but instead raising happy, healthy people is entirely up to you. While nobody will have the same parenting style or technique, it doesn’t mean that we can’t all help build strong children who will grow to be strong adults. One way parents can do this is by instilling healthy habits in your child, especially if you start at a young age.

The more healthy habits your child has when young means the more likely they are to carry these healthy habits into adulthood. Here are healthy habits to instill in your kids at a young age.

  • Brushing Your Teeth

    Your child’s oral health is very important, and brushing their teeth will help them have healthier teeth and gums as they get older. Teaching your child to brush and floss at a young age, and to do so at least two times a day, will help them get in the habit of good oral health. According to a CHS Lafayette dentist, “The American Dental Academy recommends that children start to see a dentist shortly after their first birthday, which is much younger than the recommendations in the past. This age change is meant to help children associate the dentist and good oral health with encouraging thoughts and actions they’ll carry into their teen and adult life.”

  • Washing Your Hands

    Kids get into a lot of strange and dirty things, and then they put their hands into their mouth. This is how children can get sick, and get sick often. Instead of putting your child at risk of illness, teach your child at a young age to have good hand washing habits. Teach them not only to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but to also wash their hands after touching something dirty/sticky as well as before they eat. Washing their hands will help them avoid catching illnesses often too, so be sure you teach them the appropriate way to wash their hands for optimal health and good habits.

  • Exercise is Fun

    With all the technology available at a child’s disposal today, it’s hard to teach children that spending time doing physical activities is not only fun, but also good for their health. When your child is young, teach them to be interested in doing things that involve some type of exercise, whether it’s going for walks or bike rides, dancing around the house, or even getting interested in a specific sport. This type of exercise is a great way to bond with your child too, as you and your child can do these exercises together. If your child does more physical activity at a younger age, you’ll find that he or she continues with this healthy habit as they get older.

  • Fruits and Veggies are Delish

    Fruits and vegetables are very important to your child’s overall diet, but all parents know that children will prefer the taste of candy to a carrot. However, if you can get your child eating fruits and vegetables at a young age, they’ll have a better chance of continuing this habit as they get older. In addition to choosing fruits and vegetables, it’s also a good idea to teach your child about portion control too. Not allowing your child to consume an entire box of cookies in one sitting will help them learn that eating food in moderation is much better for their overall health and well-being.

  • Mental Health is Important

    While it has gotten better, there is still a stigma around mental health. Instead of allowing your child to hide his or her feelings or put his or her mental health aside, it’s important to talk to your child early about his or her feelings and how to handle them. When your child has a better understanding of how to act and how to deal with his or her emotions, it will help them understand that mental health of your child is important. Always be open with your child about the right emotions and how to handle them, and don’t allow your own emotion to make your child feel as if his or her feelings don’t matter.


Raising a child can be difficult, but you can do a lot to ensure your child has some healthy habits that they continue by instilling these into them at a young age. Have a conversation with your spouse to ensure you’re both on the same page when it comes to your child’s healthy habits.




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Healthy Habits to Instill in Your Kids at a Young Age

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