How to Learn a Handstand – Handstand Drills, Exercises & Training Tips

How to Learn a Handstand – Handstand Drills, Exercises & Training Tips : When it comes to looking cool, doing a handstand comes a long way. It’s one of those skills that describe the whole situation “better having and not need it than need it and not having it” and it might come with great benefits if you do it along with exercises on a regular basis.

If I were to describe what a handstand is, besides the actual act of standing using your hands, I’d say that is a common trend in the world of fitness and training. It’s a physical prowess that not only shows dedication knowing that it’s not an easy feat but also demonstrates great physical strength, balance, and endurance.

A lot of people claim that it’s also pretty fun to try since it’s a great way to challenge yourself. Being able to control your whole body with your hands, while facing the forces of gravity, your very own sense of equilibrium, as well as your strength and endurance limitations, is what makes this activity very difficult.

Some people try it on safe environments where mistakes won’t lead to physical injuries, and I actually recommend taking this approach, but some people might enjoy the adrenaline that comes for trying this carelessly, which is completely fine, as long as you are not doing it in a dangerous surface or at the top of a building.

How to Approach Handstanding

Learning how to handstand might be difficult. In fact, if you don’t know how to approach it, or whether you are ready to do it or not, might slow down your learning pace quite a lot, so the best way to approach the process is by doing your research, and preparing your body.

Just so you know, this type of activity and the exercise variants (also known as handstand drills) depend heavily on your muscle mass and body weight. If you are too heavy, you might injure your neck, arms, shoulders, and muscles, and in the same way, if you don’t have enough strength to lift your own body, you might suffer from injuries. The chances of an accident occurring will increase greatly if you don’t warm up first as well, so take that in mind.

The best way to know whether you can do it or not is by doing some exercises first. Push-ups, for example, are a good way to determine whether your body is capable of lifting itself properly. These exercises are known as calisthenic exercises, and they focus on using your own body weight for exercising. If would say that doing them before trying handstands will give you a nice grasp of whether your body is ready for it or not.

After that, as I previously mentioned, you should try doing it in a safe space. You see, tripping or losing strength during a handstand can lead to very painful results if you are doing it on a flat, solid surface, like your house’s floor, a street, or similar areas.

Some people go as far as traveling to a near beach, going to a gymnasium, or relocating their mattresses, just to practice in a space that won’t cause as much harm. I personally recommend risking yourself above a soft-surface like a mattress or a gymnasium mat instead of playing brave, but as long as you are happy, it’s okay.

How to Begin

Here’s where things get complicated. There are a lot of exercises that can be done with handstands, some of them requiring a wall near you to balance yourself while you do them. If what you are trying to achieve is losing weight while getting more muscular mass, these exercises are certainly much more effective than your regular handstand, since they focus on doing actual exercises, fortifying different areas of your body.

Handstand by itself can work your arms as well as your abdominal muscles, but it’s not as effective. It’s more about showing-off and being cool, rather than actually exercising. At you can access guides to show you how to do it in case you have no clue, but the best way to begin is always focusing on balance first.

For example, while facing your back towards a wall, slowly raise your feet towards the wall as if you were trying to walk on it. As you raise your feet and legs towards the ceiling while doing a handstand, you’ll notice that your balance becomes more and more problematic, and your body starts to weight even more. Once you’ve managed to raise your feet enough to feel discomfort, try to see for how long you can remain in that position. This is the first of many types of exercises you can do with handstands.

A more difficult version of this exercise is by doing the same, but when you’ve finished raising your legs, use your hands to get your body closer to the wall. The idea of this exercise is to do a completely straight handstand while keeping your body close to the wall to remain balance. Mainly, you want to make sure that your whole body is in contact with the wall, so you’ll know you are doing the exercise properly. This is much harder than the previous example because this position requires much more effort, endurance, and strength to maintain.

After you’ve developed some strength, you might want to add movements to the handstands, like doing push-ups, abdominal exercises, and leg exercises. These are known as handstand drills and are the exercises that combine handstands along with standard forms of training for better results.






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How to Learn a Handstand – Handstand Drills, Exercises & Training Tips

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