Keto Certified Bar – What to look for when buying one? Keto diet is undoubtedly one of the most rigorous diets when it comes to reducing the carbohydrates intake. It takes a lot of will and persistence to give up your regular carbs inclusive diet in order to start one based on fats.
However, this diet provides you with an alternative, whenever you crave for something sweet. Instead of opening a box of chocolates, you may open a keto bar, which would satiate your craving, but won’t affect your weight.
Keto bars should be high in fat, low in carbs and sugar-free. These’re the things to look for when buying one.
Fiber plays a major role in regulating blood sugar as it can’t be broken down to molecules during digestion. However, fiber is significant part of every diet as it provides the organism with a feeling of satiety, thus helping weight loss.
Fiber is healthy to be consumed in amounts of maximum 30 grams per day, but in diets like Keto which rely on low carb intake, you aren’t supposed to consume more than five grams per bar.

Fiber isn’t the only one reluctant to be digested. The same happens to sugar alcohols such as erythirol or sorbitol which can be found as ingredients in keto bars. Anyhow, only half of their amount is carbs, so you shouldn’t be scared by the number of grams you see on the label, as only half of them are carbohydrates.
Net carbohydrates
As Keto diet strictly reduces the consumption of carbs, you aren’t advised to consume more than 50 grams of carbohydrates during the day and only if they’re from the net type. This type of net carbs is easily converted into energy during the digestion process, unlike the fiber carbohydrates which can’t be digested.
Therefore, when choosing a keto bar, make sure the net carbs don’t overcome the limit of five grams. In case you aren’t certain about which choice would be the best, take a look at some of The Best Keto Bars with 1g Net Carb | Keto Certified.
In case you’re a lactose intolerant person, you can choose from the range of keto bars which are free of dairy products. Make sure you read the label carefully in order to buy a bar which won’t make you feel uncomfortable later.
Proteins are one of the main ingredients in keto bars, but not all of them use the same type. Some bars use protein based on collagen while others use nuts, but the amount usually doesn’t exceed fifteen grams per bar.
However, the most favorite among proteins is the grass-fed whey type which is known for its substantial role in weight loss, due to the higher level of linoleic acid it contains. The bars containing this protein are considered to be the healthiest. Click here to read more about the recommended protein intake.
Most of the bars are sugar-free, so there must be some ingredient which would provide a sweet taste, as otherwise they won’t be delicious to consumers. The alternative to sugar is stevia, a plant which provides the perfect sweet taste, even sweeter than regular sugar. However, stevia is safe for your calorie intake, as it doesn’t have contain any calories, thus having no impact on your blood sugar levels.
Apart from using stevia for improving taste, they are made in various flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, cookies to make them more appealing for consumers. You just need to choose your favorite flavor and enjoy the health benefits.
When buying keto bars, you have the option to purchase them separately or as a box, which most commonly contains ten bars. Their price largely depends on the quality. If you opt to buy the lowest quality ones, you won’t pay more than 20 dollars per box. On the other hand, if you wish to enjoy real quality and taste, you’ll have to pay as much as 40 dollars per box.
Nevertheless, anyone who is willing enough, can make its own bars at home, reducing much of the cost. Visit the following link:, to learn some of the best recipes to try at home.
There is no right or wrong time for consuming keto bars as long as you feel hunger. Although some people consume them instead of a regular meal, make sure it doesn’t become your habit. In case you decide to replace some of your meals with a bar, choose one which has more vitamins and nutritive ingredients.
Wrap up
Although buying a them might seem like a simple decision, you need to carefully inspect its ingredients in order to find the one you’re looking for.
Find your favorite and use it as a part of your keto diet!
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