Lifestyle & Culture

Lifestyle & Culture

Showing 15 of 1,253 Results

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 5)

When you wish to accomplish your dreams, persistence is a quality you must adore. It is an essential factor for your success. The most wonderful, yet at the same time frustrating things in life is that we can’t predict our success in something. Sure we can plan and do the necessary research to raise our chances of success. However, when […]

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 2)

You need a good job, a good house, a happy family, good pension plans, better insurance, good finances to meet your vacation expenses, good medical facilities and many more things for your comforts. These are your dreams. Accomplishing your dreams is a process, not something that happens over night.. Often we get discouraged because we don’t think we are making […]

Accomplish Your Dreams

Most of us love to find a way to attract more money, a right partner, a great job, a way to improve our business, enhance our prosperity, our social image and our mental peace. We do make efforts for that purpose but many times they do not succeed BECAUSE we do not fix our targets distinctly. So, first we need […]

Adore Your Mother

A Mother’s love is something which no one can explain. It is made of deep devotion, sacrifice and pain. She has endless, unselfish and enduring attachment with her children to the last of her breath for nothing, whether that is a heap of currency notes, gold, treasures and/or other material things etc.,can destroy. Even when her heart is breaking, her […]

Let Her Flourish

In major terms, God appears to have classified its creatures into two sections – Males and Females (In-between, common gender can be termed as a result of some technical snags in procreating.). The male creatures had generally been granted more physical strength than their female counterparts whereas the female creatures have been bestowed upon with greater quantity of emotions, beauty […]