Sexual Techniques

Sexual Techniques

Showing 15 of 77 Results

What Are The Best Sex Dolls? TPE vs Silicone Sex Dolls

What Are The Best Sex Dolls? TPE vs Silicone Sex Dolls : Men have endless desire for sex, they always dream of fantasy, whether they are alone or with any women. The lust for the best body size is always the first priority of every man. Round ass, firm and big breasts are a major turn on to bring any […]

7 Severe Side Effects of Addyi

7 Severe Side Effects of Addyi : Addyi (Flibanserin), the first medication for HSDD – hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women, was approved by the FDA in 2015.

How Role Playing Can Improve Your Sex Life

How Role Playing Can Improve Your Sex Life : New relationships can be exciting, both emotionally and sexually. Still, being with the same person and doing the exact things every time can get dull over time. When there’s nothing new to look forward to, it’s easy to find yourself bored with your partner.

Does Marijuana Increase Sexual Desire?

Does Marijuana Increase Sexual Desire? : One common misconception is that smoking marijuana makes you slow. The typical image of a smoker is one of them sitting down, eating sandwiches or snacks, and being too weak to move or even have sex.

How The Ways Of Enjoying Sex Have Changed

How The Ways Of Enjoying Sex Have Changed : 2020 and 2021 were definitely years that no one expected. They started like any other, with expectations, goals and dreams. But the COVID-19 virus changed everything. Something so small has proven to have big and profound consequences globally. Massive job losses, confinements, isolations, business and company closures, and so on. Trying to […]

How to Reintroduce Passion to Your Relationship

How to Reintroduce Passion to Your Relationship : At the very beginning of every relationship, passion does tend to run wild more often than not. Meeting a new person, moving towards becoming intimate and exploring a whole new world of sensations and preferences surely is an exciting period.

Get Great Deals on Relationship Products Online

Get Great Deals on Relationship Products Online : These days, a lot of couples decide to invest in products that can aid their relationship in one way another, and this includes products designed to boost their physical relationship.

Be Your Own Best Friend: Get the Best Out of Yourself by Accepting Yourself

Be Your Own Best Friend: Get the Best Out of Yourself by Accepting Yourself : 2021 was definitely a trying year, and we kind of expect 2022 to be more of the same! Fortunately, it’s much easier to make it through the trials of daily life with a little bit of assistance, especially if it comes in the form of […]

What to Expect from Cam Sex by Women’s Fitness

What to Expect from Cam Sex by Women’s Fitness : Porn sites have been capitalizing on the growing trend of live streaming videos for a year now. Although traditional porn still exists and will continue to stay, the concept of live cam sex has taken the internet by storm.

Play The Best Free Porn Games!

Play The Best Free Porn Games! Playing porn games is a niche hobby that few people will admit they enjoy, but everyone can get into. It’s the kind of late-night relaxing activity that you didn’t know you needed. It can do wonders for your health and overall happiness to consider diving into porn games either as a replacement for standard pornography […]

5 Facts About Female Sex Toys (For Beginners)

5 Facts About Female Sex Toys (For Beginners) : Did you know that women once had to see a doctor for a dildo? The world mistakenly assumed that she couldn’t have an orgasm. So, horny gals went to the pharmacy to pick up prescription vibrators for things like hysteria and insomnia. Thankfully, a few things have changed.

How To Introduce Sex Toys into Your Relationship

How to introduce sex toys into your relationship to your partner? Even if you and your partner talk about every single relationship issue and you are extremely close, sometimes it can be a little bit weird to bring up a sex to a conversation. Sometimes your partner wants to have this conversation and sometimes not. There is no dirt and […]

How Pandemic Impacted the Use of Online Sex Webcams

How Pandemic Impacted the Use of Online Sex Webcams : The covid-19 pandemic has been a thorn in the flesh for many businesses. Rules set to help curb the disease have made people keep their distance and operate at home. It has led to millions of people losing jobs, faltering the economy.

7 Best Places Online Where You Can Watch Couples Having Sex

7 Best Places Online Where You Can Watch Couples Having Sex : If you love to watch people have sex then you can’t get any better than watching it happen live. There’s a whole new level of enjoyment to watching two real people go at it than you get with regular porn. You just need to know where you can find […]