
Guide about how to lose weight, how to lose belly fat. Yoga for weight loss, fat loss, Tools like bmi calculator and about diet plans, eating disorders, weight loss tips, childhood obesity.

Showing 15 of 262 Results

Possible obesity gene discovered

Possible obesity gene discovered : Scientists have discovered a gene that plays an important role in causing obesity. The gene encodes a protein responsible for production and growth of fat cells, showed the findings that point the way to a possible drug therapy for obesity.

Yo-yo dieting not linked to cancer risk in women

A new study suggests that yo-yo dieting or weight cycling is not associated with increased risk of cancer in women. American Cancer Society investigators found that weight cycling was not associated with overall risk of cancer in men or women after adjusting for Body Mass Index and other factors.

Cancer diagnosis can lead to serious weight gain

A diagnosis of breast cancer can lead to serious weight gain for some women, a study has found. Chemotherapy may be one of the factors involved, scientists believe.

Control your diabetes and obesity with capsicum

Control your diabetes and obesity with capsicum : Nowadays many people are easily prone to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Our eating habits and lifestyle could be the main reasons for it. To control or reverse it there are many natural remedies and recently capsicum has been added to that list. The scientists at the CSIR- Indian Institute […]

Weight-Loss Success without Diet or Exercise

Weight-Loss Success without Diet or Exercise. Your slim-down plan is basically doomed if you don’t take care of this crucial element. Looking back on my weight-loss journey, there’s one really crucial lesson I learned that I wish I had known from the get-go. It has nothing to do with how much to eat or which workouts burn the most calories […]

Types of Bread for Weight Loss

Types of Bread for Weight Loss : The popularity of the Atkins Diet and the explosive growth of low-carb diet plans have led people to believe that carbohydrates are the worst possible food to eat when trying to lose weight. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) thinks differently. In fact, the USDA has placed carbohydrates at the base of […]

Popular Health and Diet Myths Busted

Popular Health and Diet Myths Busted : At some point, both dieters and healthy eaters have to deal with false health and diet myths. The health press tends to come up with fascinating theories about what’s good for you and what isn’t. You can’t believe in them all, though, because many of them are myths. If you can’t achieve your […]

Offset Dumbbell Lunge for Bikini Body before Summer

Offset Dumbbell Lunge for Bikini Body before Summer : Offset Dumbbell Lunge: You know lunges strengthen your quads, calves, and glutes, but this version also packs an abs-sculpting punch. Here’s why: By holding the weight on one side of your body, your core has to stay engaged to keep you upright—which is great news for your bathing suit!

Surgery to help Iraqi man shed up to 151 kg in one year

Surgery to help Iraqi man shed up to 151 kg in one year : Ali Saddam, who weighed 301 kg and was touted as Iraq’s heaviest man, says he feels ‘lighter’ after doctors at BLK Super Speciality Hospital conducted a sleeve gastrectomy that will enable him to shed up to 151 kg over 12 months. For years, the 43-year-old had […]

Teenage obesity could lead to high blood pressure

Teenage obesity could lead to high blood pressure : Is your teenage son/daughter obese? Well, it’s time to make him/her adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent the chances of high blood pressure. Losing weight might be a little difficult, but having high blood pressure later in life will be much more difficult.

How to lose weight in 1 month

When a reunion, first date, wedding or some major event is looming in the distance, the first thing you would want to do is shed those extra kilos. However, your best month long strategy for weight loss should involve sustainable habits that you can maintain even one month after your weight loss deadline. Burning calories through physical activity and decreasing […]