
Guide about how to lose weight, how to lose belly fat. Yoga for weight loss, fat loss, Tools like bmi calculator and about diet plans, eating disorders, weight loss tips, childhood obesity.

Showing 15 of 262 Results

How Does Eating More Food Actually Help You Weigh Less

How Does Eating More Food Actually Help You Weigh Less : People in general and especially women are always concerned about their weight. This is also because women are more sensitive when it comes to the way in which they look and tend to gain extra weight easily than men. This is when all sorts of questions about the perfect diet […]

Do these unusual weight loss strategies really work?

Do these unusual weight loss strategies really work? CDC statistics argue that more than one third of US adults are obese, and about 70% are overweight. Most discussions concerning weight loss center on issues such as eating right and cutting calories. But there numerous other ways to lose weight. There’s no correct recipe for looking good.

Why Eating More Fat Can Help You Lose Weight

Why Eating More Fat Can Help You Lose Weight : It is often said that fat makes you fat, right? Wrong. It’s a common misconception amongst weight loss and body building enthusiasts that eating fat necessarily makes you fat. However, numerous studies have shown that eating healthy fats is actually beneficial for weight loss as it is crucial for optimal functioning […]

5 Weightlifting Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Lose Weight

Weightlifting Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Lose Weight : Women who lift weight are prone to making some mistakes in the gym. The women are often torn between the society’s view of how they should look, what they read in fitness magazines, and the fitness tips which their unqualified male friends offer them.

Does Sweat With Kayla App Really Work?

Does Sweat With Kayla App Really Work? If you’ve been doing your research, you’ve probably heard about the Sweat with Kayla App and may be saying to yourself, “Well, it sounds great, but does sweat with Kayla really work?” Starting a new exercise program is a big commitment and you want to make sure you’re going with the right program. […]

Fall Diet Tricks

Fall Diet Tricks to Get in Shape for Christmas A good bit of girls ask for some effective fall diet tips to get in shape for Christmas out there, and I’m never greedy to share. The holiday season is approaching fast and with Halloween upon us, it is time to learn how to diet mindfully in order to look slim […]

LCHF diet Review

LCHF diet Review : I am sure you have all heard at one point or another of a low carb high fat diet, or as many call it, the LCHF diet. The basic concept is you limit your carb intake to at or around 20 carbs a day and intake more natural fats such as certain oils, fat from meats, and […]

All you can eat Appetizers Guilt-Free

All you can eat Appetizers Guilt-Free : Who doesn’t love the idea of spending ten minutes in the kitchen and then enjoying yummy appetizers all day long? Most of the recipes mentioned below take around ten minutes to make, albeit it all depends on your cooking skills. Anyway, making these appetizers is like investing in your health. All of them are […]

Surprising Causes of Weight Gain

Surprising Causes of Weight Gain: Tens of millions of Americans are on diets each year. And virtually every one of them (about 95% according to most studies) is unable to lose weight and keep it off. This can be really demoralizing. And yo-yo dieting – repeatedly losing weight by dieting and subsequently regaining it – can actually be bad for your health. […]

Pizza Tricks That Will Help You Shed Pounds

Pizza Tricks That Will Help You Shed Pounds. Ask any dieter about pizza, and they will tell you that it is one of the most diet-sabotaging foods out there. Pizza makes us feel heavy and bloated and can lead to weight gain, because we make wrong pizza choices. Pizza Tricks That Will Help You Shed Pounds. When it comes to pizzas, […]

Key tips for Setting effective and Successful Weight Loss Goals

When we aim to lose weight, we need to use a concentrated approach to help prevent setbacks and delays. In order to be at the top with your weight loss goals, you must have a weight loss mindset. Thus, setting a realistic weight loss goal is one of the most efficient ways to ensure that we are taking appropriate steps […]

Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

When eaten on a regular basis, foods with anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the body, helping to prevent the long-term health consequences associated with it — but only if you also eliminate the foods that cause inflammation. When inflammation is under control, not only will you have more energy and feel better overall, but you’ll also find that […]

Hormone deficiency in brain may cause binge eating

Hormone deficiency in brain may cause binge eating : Absence of an hormone in the brain may trigger overeating behaviour in people who eat for pleasure rather than hunger, researchers report. In the lab experiments, researchers found that when the “glucagon like peptide-1” (GLP-1) hormone was reduced in the central nervous system of mice, they overate and consumed more high […]