4 Healthy Activities to Do During Pregnancy : A pregnancy signifies several things to several people. To some, a pregnancy denotes fulfillment of desires and dreams; which is the expectation of bringing a life into the world. For others, it is time to prepare for issues such as morning sickness, swollen limbs, and mood swings.
Regardless of one’s leaning, the fact remains that being pregnant demands proper care and attention. From eating habits to lifestyle changes, women in conception realize the importance of one issue. The well being of mother and child comes above all else.
One of the critical ways for pregnant women to keep themselves and their babies healthy is by exercising. Exercises are a great complement to maintain the balance needed for safe conception and delivery.
While support groups for pregnant women provide team activities, you can look to pregnancy exercises at home as well. These exercises can be done at your pace and without undue interference. It’s high time to upgrade your level of exercise with gym kit for home (comfort zone). A popular form of pregnancy exercises at home also involves watching instructional videos for variety and depth. The following activities are great forms of pregnancy activities at home:
Brisk Walking
If perchance you did follow an exercise routine pre-conception, then walking is a safe and adequate means to keep fit and proper. A quick stroll around your living quarters or broader neighborhood can keep mother and fetus in prime condition.
A brisk walk comes with a ton of benefits. For starters, this activity provides a cardiovascular workout without overly straining the knees and ankles. What’s more, pregnant women can perform the exercise for free, anywhere and at any point in time during conception.
A note of caution will suffice at this point. Be aware that as the pregnancy advances, you will experience profound changes in your body. Some of these changes will include a shift in your center of gravity as well as a dip in your sense of balance/coordination. Therefore, experts advise walking on smooth surfaces, free of potholes, rocks, and other impediments. You should also opt for comfortable but supportive footwear.
Using Exercise Balls

Exercise balls are another sure means of keeping you and your unborn child in good health. These balls serve several functions. The first is that an exercise ball can help women with advanced conceptions, ease into childbirth. Before this time, you can turn to exercise balls to strengthen the legs, back, and core muscles. Besides, using an exercise ball for pregnancy offers soothing relief from the strenuous physicalities of carrying a child.
Yoga features among the safest kinds of exercises that are apt for pregnancy. Experts posit that prenatal Yoga keeps the body’s joints functional and helps you maintain flexibility.
In more detail, Yoga comes with several benefits. For starters, this exercise strengthens the muscles, stimulates the circulation of blood and soothes frayed nerves.
Yoga’s benefits may even follow you to the delivery bed and help you stay calm and in control.
As with all other things in life, it is best to apply wisdom and moderation. Depending on how far off you are, you should avoid positions that involve lying on the abdomen. Also, you should avoid lying on your back. This position often places pressure on significant arteries/veins as well as impede blood circulation.

Do you need an exercise that keeps you feeling good while letting you pile up physical activity without strain or stress? Say hello to swimming. Swimming and other water activities give a more extensive range of motion, without applying undue pressure on the joints and other parts of the body. Besides, there is the feeling that comes with immersing oneself in water; this immersion often releases feel-good hormones that could lift the mood of the pregnant woman.
A word of caution comes in handy at this time. Understand that you are not competing in the Olympics. Hence you should choose a swimming style/stroke that does not strain any parts of the body. You should approach the swimming pool with caution by using supports such as a handrail. You should also desist from diving or jumping into the water, so as not to put your womb under stress.
Medical professionals and lifestyle advocates reach common ground regarding exercising during pregnancy. They posit that regular exercise during pregnancy enhances well being, reduces the risk of unhealthy weight gain and back pain, and paves the way for a safer and easier delivery.
Related Videos about Healthy Activities to Do During Pregnancy :
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Prenatal Mobility Workout
First Trimester Fitness
Pregnancy Exercises in the Second Trimester
Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy – Fitness During Pregnancy
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4 Healthy Activities to Do During Pregnancy
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