7 Super Foods That Koreans Use to Gain Beautiful Glowing Skin : Only few people might not be aware how much South Koreans impact the skin and beauty industry. There is a good reason behind this and it’s because the cosmetic industry in S. Korea is the leader in innovation. Most of the new effective products originates from there.
Koreans views on skin and beauty are mostly taken seriously among skin care enthusiasts. The infamous Korean skin DIY guides that you might encounter online can sound extremely weird. Like placenta, donkey milk and fermented yeast. Although, it can be sometimes shocking to other people. But interesting to check it out.
Korean beauty is all about “whitening” or “brightening” the skin. Thus, I would like to share what they think about the best super food that can actually brighten the skin and make it glow.
Instead of adding Tomatoes to your salad. Mash them and make a paste out of it. Apply it on your face and enjoy the glowy results!
Vitamin A is found in Abundance and hence the lightening effect & dark spot reduction.
Raw spinach consists of amino acids, carotenes, iodine & potassium, and Vitamins like B, K, C and B complex. The alkaline minerals found in spinach are responsible to create a healthy glow to skin.
Vitamin K and folate in Spinach aids in getting rid of pimples and acne marks.
The recommend way to consume Spinach is by blending it and make it as a juice. Consuming one glass everyday for 30 days will give you a desirable result!
The antiseptic nature of carrots gives the skin a fresh feel. It contains high amount of antoxidants that restricts the products of free radicals, that basically damages the skin.
Beta-carotene is the magic behind Carrots. It has incredible amounts of benefits that include:
- Locking moisture in the skin
- Skin cell renewal
- Sloughing of dead skin cells
- Sesame Seed
Actually, when it comes to this food. The Koreans borrowed it from ancient Indians and claimed it as their own.
However, it common to mix Sesame Oil & Turmeric to get the maximum skin lightening benefits.
And that’s not it Sesame oil penetrates deep layers of skin and improves the blood circulation. Resulting in a smooth looking skin.
This fruit is well known to aid skin from harmful solar radiation. It’s optimum for the summer season.
Avocados consists of Sterolins, this protein is the effective mechanism behind why Avocadoes are used to hide visible dark spots.
In addition, a lot of studies has been conducted on how Sterolins enhance the amount of skin collagen. Which makes this fruit act as a powerful anti-aging food.
Cooked Oysters
Oysters are so high in skin-loving zinc they could practically be a skin medicine,’ says Dr Neetu Nordosh
these tiny creatures have immense amount of Zinc. Let me put it this way, Zinc is the power house of collagen creation. Not a fan of oysters? I would still recommend holding your nose and swallow. Let it do it’s magic.
It’s one of the most common delicacies in S.Korea and they do love it for a reason. It’s Omega-3 is even more than Salmon.
Omega-3s are a small but crucial part of your skin’s lipid content. It creates the skin barrier along with dead skin cells.
It creates a seal to keep in the moisture and not let irritants in. Enhancing your Omega 3 will strengthen this barrier, thus leading to moisturized clear skin.
Not the mention, omega-3s are known to ease everything from adult acne to dandruff.
Opting for the natural way to get a glowy skin might be a bit longer way than going for bleaching your skin at home with commercial creams and supplements. However, it will surely get rid of your dull, discolored skin and maintain a healthy glow.
Koreans skin care routine is all about moisturization, protection and gentle slow approach to skin. Your skin always needs a form of self-care. Making sure your serving it correctly with the right food intake will definitely make a great impact on the long run.
Darya is twenty-something years old blogger from New Zealand. She is an avid tea drinker and an occasional photographer. She loves to write about skin care and beauty.
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7 Super Foods That Koreans Use to Gain Beautiful Glowing Skin
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