Cycling tips For Women

Cycling tips For Women : In today’s world, our lifestyle doesn’t invoke much physical labor and is more concentrated for comfort living. Physical activity is very nominal in our day to day life. Less physical movements make our body stubborn and prone to many cardiovascular diseases.  For women, this kind of stubborn lifestyle is more dangerous as, it may chronic conditions like obesity, weight gain, breast cancer, heart ailments, joints pain, etc.

Exercise is the best solution to move our body, lose weight and make ourselves active.

There are various types of exercises we can perform, but each needs time. Cycling is one of the best cardio exercises anybody can prefer. Apart from health benefits, it can be adventurous and also serve the purpose of commuting. You can use cycling as your nearby transportation need too.

Cycling involves complete body movements and muscle strength. Cycling in fresh air rejuvenates your body and provided oxygen to all parts. Cycling helps you to get fit without trying too hard for it.

Research shows cyclist of age 50 to 70 have better immune system than people who are not active.

There are numerous benefits of Cycling like:

  • Protects your heart
  • Boosts energy
  • Nourishes joints
  • Tones body muscles
  • Burns calories and extra fat
  • Controls weight and obesity
  • Builds stamina and strength


Ease to Ride

Cycling doesn’t need very high specialization or practice to do. If you know how to ride, just you can. It’s easy to pedal and exercise.


Basic Requirements for cycling:


Most important need for cycling is bicycle itself. For women, you can opt for lightweight cycle. Choose a bicycle you can handle easily. A heavy weight cycle can make it harder for you to ride in traffic or uneven areas. It can be difficult to manage heavy cycles, which can demotivate you. Bicycle with safety features of quick braking, collapsible handles, good shock absorbers, comfortable seat can make you feel more to ride and enjoy the same. Choose bike which fits you nicely, as poor fitted bike can harm your posture and joints.

You’ll also want to consider your skill level when choosing the right bike. E-bikes are becoming popular nowadays because of the efficiency they offer. These bikes have a battery-operated “assist” that gives you a boost as you ride the bike. As you’re pedaling, a small motor adds power and speed when you ride, especially when going uphill or through rough terrain. With an e-bike, you can go farther and faster through any terrain without exhausting yourself so quickly.


It will be very difficult for women to cycle wearing skirts and long dresses. Cycling needs special clothing. For mobility, women can opt for pants, shorts. Long dresses can hinder the freedom required by legs to pedal. Now-a-days specially designed cycling garments and athleisure clothing is available to make to comfortable and also provide you freedom to perform. The Geeky Cyclist provides you with complete clothing guide for cycling.

For cycling in summers you can have small Knicks or cycling shorts, breathable fabric tops, cycling gloves, caps, cotton socks and sun sleeves.

For cycling in winters you can choose variety of arm warmers, undershirts, neck warmers, layered tops, shoes covers, long finger gloves and warm leggings.

Helmets and safety gears:

If you are trying road cycling or offroad cycling, Helmet is must. Whether in city traffic or riding anywhere, safety should always be priority for the cyclist. Head injury, either minor can also be dangerous. While offroad cycling, safety gears like elbow guards, knee guards, cycling shoes, gloves must be used to avoid any injury. Always follow traffic rules. If you ride through early morning or dark time, do remember to get your bike fitted with bright lumen lights and reflectors.



Riding bicycle can be fun and also helps you to be active and serves the purpose of exercise. You can also engage other partner and ride in group of two, which can be great for you mental health. An occasional ride together and enjoying each other company can be hormone boosting, it improves your mood and relationship too.



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Cycling tips For Women

woman cyclist body, womens cycling, effects of cycling on female, road cycling tips for women, saddle sore cycling female, women’s cycling magazine, what to wear on a bike ride, top female cyclists,