Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting

Showing 15 of 674 Results

8 Key Tips for a Successful Transition into Your Retirement Years

Key Tips for a Successful Transition into Your Retirement Years : When an individual has worked hard for many years, it can be challenging to easily transition into retirement. While the specifics of retirement will vary from person to person, it’s always wise to have a solid financial plan.

What Are The Reasons That Reduce Fertility In Both Men And Women? How To Deal With It?

Reasons That Reduce Fertility In Both Men And Women? What is the greatest gift of nature? Flowers? Serene sunsets? Breathtaking landscapes or the beautiful thing that life itself is? Throughout history, in each and every religion or culture that ever existed on earth, one of the most wonderful things that were considered to be the ultimate answer was- ‘children.’ Creating […]

5 Ways Addiction Can Affect Family & Friends

5 Ways Addiction Can Affect Family & Friends : There is a widespread misconception that the struggle against a drug use problem is an individual one. It is possible for addiction to cause significant harm to the person as a result of the impacts it has. The other people who are directly connected, such as the person’s family and friends, are […]

Nutritional Tips for Dog Owners

Nutritional Tips for Dog Owners : Dogs are not just pets, they are members of the family. As such, it is important to ensure that they are well taken care of, including their nutritional needs.

Challenging Colleagues: 5 Tips for Effectively Dealing with Difficult Coworkers

Challenging Colleagues: 5 Tips for Effectively Dealing with Difficult Coworkers : Whether they’re flirtatious, loquacious, rapacious, or contagious, challenging colleagues can ruin an otherwise amazing office environment. Thankfully, there are tactics you can use to tactfully disarm them, regardless of the challenges they present.

8 Ways To Relieve Anxiety In Senior Adults

8 Ways To Relieve Anxiety In Senior Adults : Anxiety disorders are very prevalent in senior adults. Their family members pay great attention to their physical health but never enough to their mental health. 10-20% of senior adults worldwide have anxiety disorders. It may be due to excess free time in their everyday routine and inability to do tasks. There can […]

What To Do When Your Child Is Choking (And How To Prevent It)

What To Do When Your Child Is Choking : It’s a frightening moment for any parent. You turn around to look at your child–you only looked away for a few seconds–and they’re gasping for air. Most of the time, choking on a piece of food is no big deal; we’ve all had a mouthful ‘go down the wrong way’ and […]

8 Secrets to Being a Happy Mom

8 Secrets to Being a Happy Mom : Being a mom is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. At the same time, it can be challenging and overwhelming at times and only other mothers can understand. This is so as a lot is placed upon moms. After giving birth, the baby is dependent on its mom, and it […]

Gifts that College Students Will Actually Thank You For

Gifts that College Students Will Actually Thank You For : College students have a lot on their plate, and when they come home for the holidays, they want nothing more than a break from the constant pressure of school. When it’s time to get your favorite college student a gift, you really have to consider if they can or will use […]

Hospice: When Should You Seriously Start Thinking About It?

Hospice: When Should You Seriously Start Thinking About It? : Terminally ill patients and their families never look forward to making decisions about end-of-life care. However, the subject can’t be avoided, and it’s better to discuss it openly than it is to avoid difficult conversations at the expense of the patient’s comfort. Decisions regarding when to seriously consider hospice care fall […]