Flexibility & Pilates

Flexibility & Pilates

Showing 15 of 24 Results

Improving Flexibility And Mobility With Pilate Instructors

Improving Flexibility And Mobility With Pilate Instructors : Joseph Pilates started the program that now bears his name to help dancers train. Pilates has become a popular exercise alternative, but it is often confused with Yoga. Use the tips below to learn what Pilates can do for you because the program is different from all the other classes you have taken […]

Benefits of Pilates for Seniors

Benefits of Pilates for Seniors : Pilates has become a popular fitness regimen across the world. It helps to maintain a fit and healthy body without undergoing stressful load-bearing physical exercises yet allowing the body to stay supple and strong. You can move around like a butterfly by defying your age and the various conditions of pain that accompany it.

Flexibility Training – Don’t Underestimate Its Value!

Flexibility Training – Don’t Underestimate Its Value! It’s likely when you think about the concept of stretching, you think about things like hamstring, back and other similar stretches. Although those parts of the body benefit from stretching, there are other areas that need to stretch in addition to those tight and tense muscles.

5 Reasons to Try Pole Dancing

5 Reasons to Try Pole Dancing : Whether you are a newbie, or you’ve been into fitness for a while now, you’ve probably noticed that nowadays we are overwhelmed with choices when it comes to what we can do to stay in shape. Even if you already have your go-to routine and you’re just looking for an extra skill to learn, […]