Health & Fitness

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Showing 15 of 784 Results

5 Safety Tips for Seniors Living Alone

5 Safety Tips for Seniors Living Alone : A recent study from the Pew Research Center found that 32 percent of women over the age of 65 live alone. There are some benefits that come with living on your own as a senior woman, including having more time to spend on your hobbies and interests. However, there are also risks that […]

What is Pain Relieving Ankle Brace & Why Do People Use It?

What is Pain Relieving Ankle Brace & Why Do People Use It? Are you suffering from ankle pain? Do you face trouble walking or jogging? Ankle injuries are common especially when you are not careful about the way you move. However, using one of the top 10 ankle braces can help you deal with the pain and promote fast healing after […]

How drinking coffee before bed affects you?

How drinking coffee before bed affects you? Coffee, the most broadly expended psychoactive substance on the earth, is the best-known element of caffeine. Coffee’s gainful impacts on the human body have been investigated great, yet coffee overall is a perplexing refreshment with a thousand unique substances.

Nine Unexpected Yoga Benefits

Nine Unexpected Yoga Benefits : Many of yoga’s physical benefits, such as better posture and flexibility, are readily apparent to most. The same goes for some of the emotional benefits, such as a better sense of emotional balance and a feeling of serenity. But some of the other benefits are not as widely known. Hopefully, some awareness of these hidden benefits […]

Family friendly fitness

Family friendly fitness : As a fitness professional you’ll be aware of how competitive attracting and retaining new clients can be. In fact if you have been instructing for even a short amount of time you will most likely have heard a wide variety of excuses for client’s excuses cancelling classes from sickness, to being stuck at work to having their […]

Winter Health and Wellness Tips for Women

Winter Health and Wellness Tips for Women : Cold weather is making its way across the country, bringing blustery winds, dry air, and shorter days with it. While the holidays add a touch of warmth to an otherwise frigid season, it’s easy to feel stressed or depressed once they end.

Gallstones Diagnosis & Treatments: Dissolve Gallbladder

Gallstones Diagnosis & Treatments: Dissolve Gallbladder. The stones in the gallbladder are caused by the progressive deposit of solid materials such as cholesterol or proteins in the gallbladder or bile duct. Gallstones are the most frequent and dangerous ailment of the gallbladder and bile duct.

5 Habits That Make You Unhealthy

5 Habits That Make You Unhealthy (And How to Fix Them) : If you have always wanted to live a healthy life, you have to know first the habits that are making you unhealthy and how you can fix them. Majority of you are doing some things that you’re not even aware of, yet does lots of damage to your body.

5 Lesser Known Tips to Avoid ACL and Other Knee Related Injuries

5 Lesser Known Tips to Avoid ACL and Other Knee Related Injuries : A torn anterior cruciate ligament (or ACL for short) is notorious for being one of the most painfully incapacitating injuries on the market, often requiring surgical measures and endless rehabilitation to avoid further permanent damage. Even worse, is that this specific style of ligament trouble is four to […]

5 Health Benefits of Vibration Plate Exercises

5 Health Benefits of Vibration Plate Exercises : Health and fitness enthusiasts desire an equipment that improves their overall health and wellness. Another thing they look for is the possibility of getting quick results. Research has shown that vibration plates are fast becoming popular because they are convenient and simple to use. As a fitness training system, a vibrator plate can […]

10 Unhealthy Practices You Need to Stop Doing at Age 30

10 Unhealthy Practices You Need to Stop Doing at Age 30 : Transitioning from being an enigmatic lady in your 20s to being a responsible woman in your 30s might hardly change what you feel about yourself and your body. You look into the mirror and the person who stares right back is still the same, magnificent you. But don’t be […]